
frat lives matter


Yo there are 6 houses that come back next fall, after losing recognition like AXP, KDR, DU, Pi Kapp, PKT, Phi Mu Delta. Granted they all have to start from the bottom and work they're way back

Posted By: Ugh
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DU, AXP won't have to start from the bottom. Same with Sammy/Pi Lam when they come back. They have their houses and have been hosting socials/parties this sem. and most likely will continue. KDR, PiKapp and PKT will have to start from the bottom after a long ban.

By: @ugh
by: No   

Pi lamb is getting screwed by their nationals not just the university.

By: No

AXP & DU aren't affected by their suspensions at all aside from thon / hc. Both are still taking pledges / throwing down

By: tweek
by: Nah    

DU and axp can't take pledges unless they ghost pledge them... stop with the fake news

By: Nah
by: Yah   

Oh right because DU would totally object to ghosting pledges after already being caught breaking rules

By: Yah

just because 6 chapters are coming off suspension does not mean they will recharter. They have to find enough people willing to recharter AND still get approval from the university, which the way things are going may not happen.

By: sigh

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Who is phi mu delta

By: ?

Those 6 frats were crap when to got suspended/kicked off, they'll be crap when they come back. Give it time and they will be suspended/kicked off again. The IFC is a revolving door.

By: Who cares...

KDR has no right to come back, a bunch of sick weirdos.

by: ur not in greek life   

You sound like you have no idea how that process works. It starts with a fresh group of people who have absolutely no connection to the guys that were active during that incident, which is why they wait a few years for everyone to graduate before returning. The alumni would like to see the chapter come back with a better group of people. Not defending anything KDR did.

By: ur not in greek life
by: no.   

clearly it will be new people unrelated to the exact incident. But KDR at penn state will ALWAYS mean photos of girls passed out naked on the internet. What kind of example is set if all that happens is that it 'goes away for a few years'

By: no.

Yall care too damn much about your frats. Good luck in the real world after mommy and daddy stop tossing 2k your way every month.

By: lol
by: True   

True once all of these freshman/sophomores get into the real world without constant funding from their parents they will be in shock lmao. But hey, at least they will be able to say they’re a kickass frat alum!!!! That means something, right? Right....?

By: True

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