
can a junior go for fall rush

by: Jun

Is this new rule for the next years or just this year?

Posted By: Jun
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#1  by: No   

There is no fall rush they put a cap on the number of girls allowed in each sorority and most are full so no fall rush

By: No
#2  by: God   

only freshmen can't rush this fall, maybe even this whole year. Sophs and above are good to go in the fall. They only talked about capping the number of girls allowed in a sorority but as far as i've seen they never did that. Sororities i believe will be doing informal rush in the fall and then formal will be deferred to spring. Fraternities are most likely just going about things as normal.

By: God
#3  by: No   

My VPR literally told me that we are not having rush this fall because the cap is real and most sororitys have reached it

By: No
by: WrongJul 11, 2017 4:54:21 PM

how would a cap be filled if seniors just graduated and therefore opening up seats

By: Wrong
by: not wrongJul 11, 2017 6:50:17 PM

because they are capping at a much lower number than seniors leaving dip wad

By: not wrong
#4  by: Not wrong part 2   

Yes most sororitys had about 250 girls in them now the cap is about 180/200 so.........

By: Not wrong part 2
by: LJul 13, 2017 8:26:14 AM

And Panhel can have a meeting the first week of school and raise the cap if they want. It's not rocket science people.

By: L
by: UnsureJul 13, 2017 2:06:21 PM

still have yet to see an actual ruling on the cap, let alone a number to which it is set. find it very hard theyre going to start excluding girls which would be very bad press on top of what has already happened

By: Unsure
by: ITKJul 16, 2017 4:58:01 PM

National NPC regulations set rules that cap be re-set each semester based on average or mean chapter size. When ours is re-set, half chapters should be below the average and will be permitted to take COBs to reach the newly set cap. Those organizations that had more members return to campus or less graduating seniors that are at the cap will not be able to take new members.


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