
fall rush 2017 rankings


1. Dchi, SAE, BSB, pike,sig chi/dsig
2. Acacia, ato, sig ep, lambda
3. Sig pi, aepi, du/phi psi/dtd
4. Agr, Tdx, fiji, phi who, zeta psi
5. Chi phi, Alpha sig/Pi lam, kappa sig
6. far sig/AXP, Dke, skulls
7. sig tau, sig nu, akl, theta chi
8. adphi, Mudhouse, Zbt, Triangle

1)dsig is lit, could rise next semester
2)tke is out of there house for a year, so they won't really have socials next year so I won't include them, defintely will fall when they get back, Lambda continues to fall
3)aepi could conceivably rise into tier 2 with tke and Sammy gone, still under aepi, dtd still safely in 3 for now
4)agr uses this site a lot, phi who underrated, zeta psi got sig kap for thon which is good for them
5)chi phi been really good lately and in a good position to rise into 4 possibly, most others in 5 don't have that potential
Don't know much about the others

Posted By: Chef Curry
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chi Phis fall class was like 10 kids. Spring was bigger but not better. It's so obvious they self rank it's insane

By: Lol

King Dchi

By: Dirty_Lion

Unpopular opinion here: sig chi sucks. Should be in 2 under Acacia and sig ep

By: Yeah I said it
by: This guy knows the truth   


By: This guy knows the truth
by: J   

Sig chi definitely isn't top tier material but they don't suck as much as Sig ep...definitely under acacia though.

By: J

Why isn't Acacia in top tier convo? I don't know if I'd say they're there but they gotta be close

By: Paulo


By: Law

DTD should be in 4, after them agr and tdx equal, Fiji is only other house in 4, phi who top of 5 tho

By: sororityastic
by: No   

You are so wrong.

By: No

we'll see what changes

By: Sounds good


By: Bump


By: yeah

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