
is it worth rushing a sorority next fall?


With all the Greek life restrictions and people not following rules, they said they're thinking about removing Greek Life completely from PSU :( so is it even worth rushing as a sophomore next fall if I didn't this year as a freshman? I heard informal rush means you're better off if you know the girls in the sororities you're interested in learning more about and joining but how are we supposed to reach out to them and get to know them lol pls help

Posted By: want2rush
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Greek life is great. Don't be discouraged by what is happening with the sanctions. It has been around for a 150+ years and isn't going anywhere. Informal rush will be different in the fall and geared toward sophomores who have been at a disadvantage in the past. It is hard to believe that you don't know any sorority women from class, dorms, other orgs etc. If you know someone even casually, just bring the subject up. Let them know that you are interested and ask how they will be promoting their recruitment events.

By: Be optimistic
by: want2rush   

Thanks for all your help! I do know of some people in classes that are in sororities I'm just not friends with them so I wasn't sure how to approach them and ask about their recruitment events without them thinking I'm setting my standards too high for directly picking which sororities I'm interested in and what not!

By: want2rush
by: ^^^   

As was said below, people love to talk about their chapters. A friendly approach just saying that you had planned to rush but since formal has been cancelled for the fall, you were wondering if they could tell you more about what the process will be like. No matter which chapter they are in, it won't come across as if you think you are perfect for their group. Just let them know that you are interested in the process and ask for advice about how to be included. They should be able to help. Good luck!

By: ^^^

most girls i know love to talk about their sorority so if you know someone bring it up! or even if you see someone wearing letters sitting next to you in class or something. also, being greek with sanctions is still better than being a gdi so i say go for it:)

By: yay

Reach out! Someone above said it, but lots of girls like to talk about their sorority. I think most girls are little bit nervous about informal just because it's not the fall rush we're used to, so the enthusiasm is welcome. Just be cool and give it a shot and try a bunch of different ones and see where you fit!

By: Go for it!!

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by: want2rush   

I'm probably gonna look dumb but I'm friends with some girls on Facebook and messaged them about recruitment because I don't really know that many people in sororities and they left me on read so they clearly didn't wanna talk about it or help me out. I don't know how else to reach out to girls because I really don't have that many of them in my classes. Should I just wait until formal rush in the spring? It feels like it won't be worth it just because I'll be a second semester sophomore by then :(

By: want2rush
by: ^^   

Wait until the very beginning of the school year! We don't even know what's going on with rush yet! :)

By: ^^


By: B

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