


Why would DU drop phi sig to have trilogy as a THON partner???? That makes DU look worse!!

Posted By: wtf
Page 2 of 3

Phi sig was fed up with DU treating them badly and DU was sick of Phi Sig, apparently neither liked each other and DU is still dealing with repercussions from Arts fest and are in danger of losing their charter so either Phi sig was proactive and jumped the sinking ship or DU left a greek org for a non greek org. Props to both for realizing it wasn't a successful relationship maybe more will follow their example. not sure why trilogy doesn't realize how much trouble DU is in... maybe they will lose a thon partner two years in a row...

By: fake news
by: more fake news   


By: more fake news
by: more fake news   


By: more fake news
by: Deez    

I heard if DU gets in more trouble they could get a yearlong suspension

By: Deez
by: Lol   

Who told u that

By: Lol
by: Bad Call   

No matter what was going on, if DU's call was to leave a Greek org for a non-Greek org, it was bad judgement. I had more respect for them. No longer. Bye DU!!

By: Bad Call
by: phisig<   

Fake news gtfo

By: phisig<

Looks like it's going to be phi sig and agr

By: .
by: Wooo   


By: Wooo
by: Ew   

Agr is disgusting

By: Ew

Lol it's humorous that a thon org was preferred over phi sig. Trilogy has way more attractive girls. Do you blame DU for leaving them? Lmao

By: Stop
by: ok   

why does it matter how "hot" the girls are when raising money for childhood cancer?

By: ok
by: Come on   

why do you guys keep saying the same thing why du left but not mention trilogy raised twice as much as phi Sig

By: Come on
by: og   

i know for a face trilogy didn't raise twice as much as phi sig. du didn't raise anything those brothers don't know the first thing about raising money for THON

By: og

Phi Sig has a Greekrank chair

By: Jon Syscko

Phi sig girls couldn't get me hard if they tried

By: Master
by: Viagara   

Sounds like a personal problem that I would not publicize.

By: Viagara

Funny how phi sig ran this post and instructed girls to like everything lol sorry but you're not competition for Trilogy and you don't have to be in either of the two to know that. DU dropped phi sig and upgraded. Not to mention that girls dropped out of that weak sorority to join trilogy. maybe triangle will take ya

By: Tacoballz
by: poor du   

You act like they are the only ones that think less of you for this, unfortunately you messed up and now have to deal with the consequences. Very naive of you to think it is all them when they are happy this happened. You could say that DU instructed guys to go and dislike everything and insult them, it works both ways.

By: poor du
by: LMFAO   

Sorry, I almost don't know what to say when this post says that Phi Sig is not competition for a F-ing non greek org. Trilogy, no one has respect for you. No one is trying to compete with you. No one wants to be you. DU dropping Phi Sig is not an upgrade, by any stretch! Who the F do you think you are? Get over yourselves.


Who cares? Sounds like both have replacements already. Move on.

By: Getalife

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trilogy is a legit THON ORG so sorry if you think DU switching to a group who's main mission throughout the year is THON is a bad choice. You have a new greek partner so play nice and get over it.

By: yeah
by: Lol   

Yeah, trilogy's main mission throughout the year is thon...funny joke

By: Lol
by: yeah2   

what else would it be then lol

By: yeah2

As a guy in a frat in the same tier as du, I completely agree. I don't think many frats, if any would not have chosen Trilogy over phi sig given the exact reasons that you said.
Also to the reply ^, stop kidding yourself Phi Sig, you're all over this post and site. Take a chill pill

By: dfdfffd
by: Gimme a break trilogy    

Hilarious if anyone believes this was written by a guy, This was totally written by a girl and probably trilogy. And no I'm not trilogy or Phi sig or du. I am a girl who thinks this is ridiculous especially now when it's at the level of girls pretending to be frat guys just so they can bash other girls. You're embarrassing yourselves

By: Gimme a break trilogy

For the love of God, please stop commenting. Have you ever heard of the phrase "you are beating a dead horse"?

By: This is insane

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