
this makes no sense.


If I understand this......
If top tier sororities can only mix with top tier frats, but upper mid sororitys can mix with top, lower top and upper mid frats, then is it better to be in an upper mid sorority?
If you are theta, gphi, asa, axo, etc, you have the potential to mix with more Frats than kd, aphi or kappa? Hmmmmm..........
If you are in a sorority in the lower tiers, top frats will avoid you and you will only be able to mix with middle and lower tier frats, which is still more frats than the top tier sororitys can mix with? I mean, there are about 40 something frats, and give our take 5 are top tier. That means there are 35-40 frats that the non top tier sororitys mix with. But kd, kappa and aphi can only mix with the top 5, otherwise they are slumming it?
Top sororities can mix with all frats but usually choose to mix with top, upper frats because they want "Quality not quantity." The guys in middle and lower frats are of less "quality." Middle and lower frats should be grateful if a top sorority mixes with them?
I'm just trying to understand the Greek caste system here at PSU...

Posted By: hmmmmm
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its really not complicated, all they are saying is that technically its better to be in a middle tier sorority because you can social with top tier, middle tier, and lower tier frats, where top tier sororities on social with the same few frats all the time.

By: nah
by: Yea   

I understand that, just the whole "who socials with who" is too complicated imo that's what I was referring to

By: Yea

this is interesting and something i never really thought of before. as someone in a "top tier" sorority, i personally like socialing with the same five or six frats, but not because i think the top is of higher "quality" than lower tiers. i like it because spending a lot of time with a few fraternities allows you to become close with the guys in those few fraternities

By: yo

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