


What the hell is trilogy?

Posted By: lol
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It is a THON interest group, comprised mostly of women who went through sorority recruitment that did not get bids or can't afford a real sorority, pretending to be Greek.

By: Fake sorority
by: Tril   

Its a THON org that use to be tridelt. yes, some people join because they didnt get bids to the soroity they wanted but alot of the girls just dont want to have to deal with all the rules of panhel so its more chill and laid back. and majority of the girls dont join bc they "cant afford sororities." Low dues is just a perk to being in trilogy.

By: Tril
by: ^^^ Bunch of GEEDS   

By "All the rules of Panhel" you mean leadership training, honoring a code of conduct established by your nationals, living together in the dorms, working together on philanthropies etc. You are just a bunch of lazy GEEDs who want nothing more than an invite to a party.

By: ^^^ Bunch of GEEDS
by: Lol   

Never seen low dues being a bad thing lol

By: Lol

No one that is in this club "used to be Tridelt." Anyone that would have been initiated as Tri Delt, before they were kicked off campus for hazing,
would have graduated long ago. This group has absolutely no affiliation with any sorority--regardless of what you ladies are telling yourselves.

By: Joke on campus

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by: bye   

seniors were in tridelt haha

By: bye
by: @bye   

Those must be some pretty stupid seniors. Tri-Delt has not been on campus in 8 years. If your seniors were initiated members of Tri-Delt they are taking an awful long time to graduate. LOL

By: @bye
by: ^^^   

Exactly. They would be almost 30. If they are still on campus and participating in your club, it is pathetic.

By: ^^^

Best description that I have seen is Greek life parasites! So true!! LOL

By: On another thread...
by: Tru   


By: Tru

Trilogy is a thon org that also has the perks of socializing with frats, shouldn't even be on Greek rank lol not trying to be a sorority..... even though people apparently get jealous and think otherwise ^^^^

By: Thon org

literally don't be salty that trilogy is higher up than you. you know you're jealous that they have everything so cheap and easy and STILL manage to be hotter at the same time.

By: bye
by: @bye   

Yes, cheap and easy are two words that perfectly describe this group.

By: @bye

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