
sorority pc tier updates


hard to give tiers now but this is what needs to happen.

"Top" tiers-
Aphi needs to drop down to 2nd tier. their pc is what mid tiers should look like, not a top tier. Last pledge class wasn't great either. theyre rude and have crappy, stuck up personalities and not a good sisterhood. not top tier anymore, check the new pc's instagrams.

kappa needs to move up to top house. really pretty girls, social the most with the frat top house d chi, and are decently personable.

I haven't seen KD's PC so I can't say anything about them, but they should probably keep the rank they are now.

pi phi PC is average,but sweet girls. they should drop a house or share with kapp.

mid tiers-
gphi- probably stay same rank as are now.

ASA- move down. These girls are not cute, not nice, and stuck up. They are not 2nd tier material any longer.

Theta, ZTA, AXO- a few really pretty girls, overall decent pc's, move up, some sweet girls. should not be lower than ASA. same level as gamma phi maybe?

DZ, AXID-, AOPI, SDT- good PC's, new pretty girls. should move up as soon as a house moves down further than them and as soon as seniors graduate.

everything else stays same.

Posted By: Junior
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agree aphi needs to be dropped

theta dropped for a reason, they should not go up again

leave pi phi in same place for now , they still have good older girls and are cool

agree ASA needs to drop

SDT and AOPI should not get ranked higher any time soon

don't know anything about DZ or AXID

rankings need to be rearranged asap

By: Eh

kappa is NOT the top house by ANY MEANS. Kappa tell your new babies to stop coming on this site and making you guys look stupid. the self ranking is evident.

By: omg no

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this is a joke!!!!! hahaha I actually laughed out loud are you blind

By: yes

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