
the truth about aphi/kkg/any top sorority


Everybody fights about who's pledge class is better among the tops but I want to remind you something. A large majority of the girls in the "top tier" pledge classes are sophomores that are rushing for the second time.

A lot of these girls rush freshman year and get Sig Kap/ADPi/whatever and are so concerned with the tiers that they drop and spend the whole year prepping to get themselves where they need to be and how they need to look in order to rush top tier.

So what I'm trying to say here is that a lot of the top tier girls are Sig Kap and ADPi freshman year leftovers that are so superficial and concerned with appearances that they can't be somewhere that doesn't have any backstabbing, hazing, or fake friends. The girls who rush freshman year and get bids from places like SDT or Phi Sig AND STICK WITH IT are the good people. Those are the girls that don't care about popularity or what frat is top tier, they just care about who they fit in with and being real.

Just something to think about when you guys are fighting over what pledge class is top tier when half of them were about to be in bottom tiers just a year ago...

Posted By: Truth
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Okay stop now sig kap its seriously getting old

By: OK

Looking back TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!

Have fun with your fake friends OK!

By: sorority Dropout

I was a pi chi and I had at least 5 girls in my group who rushed freshman year, got back a lower sorority, dropped and rerushed to get an upper tier

so I can confirm

By: well

yeah there's a sig kap girl in the new KD pledge class

By: sig kap

this is the realest thing I've ever heard I've heard so many stories first hand too

By: wow

The majority of girls are sophomore drop outs from other chapters? Really? Clearly the prior commenters don't understand that there are primary and secondary quotas from which ALL chapters get new members from and those two separate totals determine the larger combined total. This year primary (freshman) quota was 52 and secondary (upper classmen) quota was 18. So your argument that top tier chapters recruit bottom tier drop outs is awfully flawed. Secondly, al the chapters here are great and are composed of some beautiful and genuine girls and some very mean spirited and rude girls. Instead of cutting each other up, how about you take a minute to recognize and appreciate that everyone welcomed incredible new women into their chapters in record numbers. And to the Pi Chi commenter, you should be ashamed because you worked with these women to find their homes but sound bitter and biased. Be happy that everyone found a home and think if these select women "left their other chapters" probably doesn't bode well for their longevity in a new chapter this year and the only person at fault is that new member for not trusting the organizations that saw something in her. Stop the the ladies, PSU Greek life is amazing and we should all be proud of THAT!

By: ??
by: lol   

no one is hating on anyone? the fact of the matter is that it is a common phenomena for freshman to drop out of their low tier sorority to rerush and get a bid to an upper tier. there is no hate happening, we're just discussing a REAL-LIFE situation so you need to calm down

By: lol

And waste a whole year just to tier climb. Makes a lot of sense.

By: sorority dropout

I'd be very very careful of who you accuse of 'hazing'. That is not something you should say to make top tiers look bad because it is not true and is something that is taken very seriously. not funny.

By: woah

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