


Is being a founding memeber a nice expierence or will I miss out on a true sorority experience?

Posted By: Dphie
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It is a different experience and unique experience. It will look great on a resume to be a founding sister and you'll have experienced that girls in established sororities won't- not being a bad thing. It will be a lot of work. Also don't think just because it is new doesn't mean you will get in. When phi Sig formed two years ago 500 ish girls rushed it and only 200 got in and this year the rush number will be higher since there are more freshman.

By: Honest

If you are choosing DPhiE because you aren't happy with your choices for Preference, then you're taking a really big gamble. As the other poster noted earlier, it isn't a guarantee. I find it ironic that the people on here complaining about wanting to be in a higher tier or worried about status are willing to look at organizations who are coming to this campus this year or last year. The two most recent organizations do not have a very strong presence across the nation over some of what you may deem a lower tier sorority. Phi Mu, Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Kappa, and other lower or middle tier sororities have a stronger presence across the nation than Phi Sigma Sigma or Delta Phi Epsilon. If status is important to you, which is pretty pathetic if it is, maybe you should consider giving some of the lower tier sororities a chance before trying to jump ship and get a bid that isn't guaranteed from DPhiE.

By: Truth

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True you are taking a big risk if you are declining a bid you got just to chance a new sorority. It's true phi sig was swamped with girls and literally turned away hundreds. Are you willing to chance not getting in DPhiE if you already have a bid?
On the other hand, it's a good option for someone who wants to be in a sorority but doesn't want to go through rush. But since it's almost the end and you're asking this question, it seems like you have gone through rush but aren't happy with how it worked out and are hoping to get a bid from the new sorority. Very risky. I wouldn't do it if I wanted to be in one guaranteed.

By: True

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