
rush help!



My mom was a DG and she wants me to rush DG here @PSU. From what I have read on this website they have some really sweet girls (older girls) but their most recent class stinks!

Should I rush them if their rising Juniors and rising Seniors are really nice but their rising Sophomores are bad? I am wondering because I will be with the Rising Sophomores the most during my four years here, should that impact my decision? Will I meet other freshman rushing as well?

From what I see, the rising Sophomores:
- Lack sisterhood and do things apart from the sorority
- Are very sloppy
- Are very catty (some girls are trying to make a new recruitment video)
- And apparently a lot of people are saying "their freshman class last year was brutal"

Sorry this is long! I am trying to find a good fit.

Posted By: Pre-Freshman
Page 1 of 1

Fuc.king christ rush them and if you like them join them. I can't believe you're taking sh.it people have said on this site seriously. Maybe you should re-evaluate why you're joining greek life in the first place.

By: Jesus...
by: Pre-Freshman   

Wow that was rude! I am just summarizing what I see on this website.

I am trying to join Greek Life for a sisterhood because I want to join a nice sorority! (because I will be spending my next 4 years with these girls)

I thought this website would give me a good preview of what to expect before I rush? Or am I wrong?

By: Pre-Freshman
by: lol   

^ no, it isn't a "good preview".

By: lol
by: Truth be known    

This site is pretty accurate. Of course those that have bad reps would dispute it. You'll soon see at rush how accurate this is. Personally, the response shows how rude DG is. You were honestly just trying to gain insight. Don't let it bother you. To be truthful, same thing with THETA last year's pledge class ruined them and freshmen will be stuck with them.

By: Truth be known

definitely rush them and see. i know so many cool extremely nice girls in DG but make the decision for yourself don't go asking around greek rank to find a definitive answer

By: lol

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don't rush us then. we don't need girls who come in w preconceived notions. we want open minded girls

by: LOL   

U have a snobby attitude. And it does look like u patrol GreekRank


Honey, look....

The only people who are on this site are the ones who want to build their own reputations by putting others down. If you go in being this closed minded to an actually decent strat, than you will be bottom tier. It's easy to pick out the girls who are try too hard and think they are better than others. Lose the tude and just go with it.

By: nope

Your future big will probably be a sophomore... and by the looks of this, it seems like you don't like the sophomores. There's a chance your future big will be one of the things you bullet pointed.. Sorry

By: lol

Just because some of the sophomore pledge class doesn't have good reviews doesn't mean they all suck. Stop generalizing there are good/fun/nice girls and "sloppy/catty" girls in every single sorority just find one you like at rush and stop basing sororities on what other girls say about them on this site.

By: stop

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