
rushing this fall


do people overall like aphi or pi phi more and why??

Posted By: anon
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I would say they are liked equally but for different reasons! They have different vibes to them for sure which you will be able to feel out during recruitment but both sororities have beautiful and down to earth girls that know how to have fun. Some girls aren't the nicest in both (you will get this with nearly every sorority) but just keep an open mind during recruitment (:

By: hello


By: Anonnn

Ok so alpha phi is thought more as pretty girls, maybe a tad ditsy but a fun time. I have heard of drama within but you'll have more drama the higher up the sorority is. Pi Phi is more wifey material, smart girls who also throw down but have their priorities in order. Recruitment is completely fake, i hope you realize that. Those girls are trying to impress YOU. They will act like the sweetest things, this goes for all sororities. I would know because I know what our chair people are telling us to do. Smile, act nice, make them think we are the most fun place in the world. Beware, what you will see on the outside is not telling of the inside.

By: truth

Pi phi

By: Hi

Equally for different reasons. Both pretty, fun girls, but I think alpha phis seem more real than pi phis who are more plane jane and clones of each other.

By: psugeed

Both are equally awesome and most gals number 1 choice! Those that get cut are got legitimate reasons. Feel honored to be selected.

By: =
by: lol   

this is so false. not everyone sucks your ass aphi/piphi "feel honored to be selected" excuse me while i vomit.

By: lol
by: Hahahahahaha   

I laughed out loud when I read the "feel honored to be selected" lol nah, selected for what? Being stuck with a group of fake girls? Super pretty sure but fake as hell, PNMs beware.

By: Hahahahahaha
by: ha   

extra salt

By: ha

everyone should be where they fit in. the girls in piphi or aphi might fit in best there, it does not make them fake for being in a top tier sorority

By: just saying

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by: anon   


By: anon

What are the REAL reputations of these sororities?

By: Anon
by: Read above??   

I really hope you're not fixating on getting in just these two sororities or you'll be in for a rough ride during rush lol, I mean usually when I hear Pi phi I think "oh those are pretty, smart, fun girls who know how to have a good time" but when I hear alpha phi I kinda think "very pretty, catty, full of themselves, but can throw down" so Pi phi is a lot classier in my opinion but alpha phi is basically the same except not as smart and not as classy I guess?

By: Read above??
by: Truth   

Aphi: hot girls, trendy, always down to have a good time, kinda ditzy, not the brightest bulbs
Piphi: good girls, balance work and play, smart, beautiful, sometimes thought to be boring

By: Truth

how can you summarize a whole sorority like that? nobody is the same in any sorority

By: get over it

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