
the actual truth


1. DChi, SAE, Beta Sig, Sig Ep, Sammy, Sig Chi
2. Pike, ATO, Acacia, TKE, DU, DTD, Lambda
3. AEPi, Sig Pi, AGR, Sig Chi
4. Phi Psi, TDX, Zeta Psi, Pi Lamb
5. Phi Who, Far Sig, DSig, Chi Phi, Beta
6. AXP, Fiji, DKE, Kappa Sig
7. Alpha Sig, Sig Nu, SigTau
8. Skulls, Theta Chi, AKL
9. Mudhouse, Treehouse
10. ZBT, Triangle

Rankings Explained:
1. Dchi, SAE, Beta Sig clear top 3, Sig Ep made moves this semester should be considered tier 1
2. Pike moves down after a quiet semester
3. Sig Chi's probo moves them down to 3, AGR got better sororities and parties which moves them up
4. Pi Lamb made moves up to tier 4
5. DSig didn't do anything this semester, move down to tier 5

Posted By: frat god
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By: another frat god

This should be the offical Fall 2016 ranking

By: yes
by: .   

Do a 3 way switch with du pilamb and dsig (I'm sure you can guess who belongs where) and I agree

By: .

Are u fr fr fam?? Lol rofl

By: Nawww

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Sig ep is not 1 boy

By: G

Seriously bro??
1. Dsig and Sig chi are a clear 2s despite probo.
2. Sig ep is chillin on 3, maybe two if you're feeling rowdy and don't realize that the frats above them were on probo.
3. AGR and Pi Lamb are 5 at best, do you see who they social with??
4. Asig and Kappa Sig are in limbo somewhere. Asig was on a two year probo that just ended. They're a 5 since they actually social with sororities still. Surprised they still have relations after 2 years of no parties. Kappa Sig just moved into KDR's house. If they weren't geeds and KDR kids still came through to "sit where they sat", they'd have a shot at something around a solid 5 or 6.
5. Beta is a clear 4. Their Wednesday parties are chill
6. DU is 3. You gotta smoking if you think higher.

You're welcome.

By: Senior 2k16
by: Job   

Shouldn't you be focused on a job rather than ranking frats????


By: Job
by: Du is ass   

Lol if Du is 3 then Skulls is tier 1.

By: Du is ass
by: detective   

guys senior 2k16 is in beta i saw him write that :)

By: detective


By: hahhaha


By: yes

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