
so ridiculous with these rankings

by: You guys are the worst!

So I know I'll get so much ish from you because I'm younger and I don't even go to your school. I had a lot of college acceptances and have been having such a tough time choosing where to go. 100 percent I'm going Greek, my whole family has always been Greek, it's important to me, so I found this site that we're on now. I have been on it looking at the different schools and their Greek lives and tbh I never saw such a bunch of whining immature crybabies like you penn state people. You live and die by these rankings! All the other schools care about rankings too but not like this. They have a lot less chapters and they seem to get it, that they're all at one school and can be friends and they don't tear each other up like you do. I know better than to make a life choice based on your thoughts on a website but you guys are not people I wanna hang with at all. Really it makes me want to puke. Take a look at yourselves and really get a life or something because I never saw something so stupid. I'm thinking Syracuse now or Miami. Bye penn state your Greeks have turned me off so hard. Idc if you ignore this and idc if you give it 200 thumbs down. I'll never meet any of you losers so who cares

Posted By: You guys are the worst!
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#1  by: See ya   

This website is inhabited by 1-2 obsessed losers from each frat/sorority. The rest are people like me who come here to laugh. If you're basing your college acceptance on what you see here you're an idiot.

By: See ya
#2  by: good   

If you really feel like puking based off stuff you read on an online forum by people you don't even know, dont even bother coming here.

By: good
#3  by: Jokes    

Please don't come to penn state we don't want you

By: Jokes
#4  by: Greetings   

I just wanted to inform you that one of my best friends is a Greek at university of Miami (in assuming you mean one in FL) and while their Greek rank isn't as bad as ours they're pretty toxic.

But can confirm. Greek community is vicious, on and off this website.

By: Greetings

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