
end of march madness rankings


1. D Chi, SAE, Beta Sig, Sammy, Pike, Sig Chi
2. Acacia, ATO, D Sig, TKE, Lambda Chi
3. Sig Ep, Sig Pi, AEPi, DTD,
DU's Gap
4. TDX, AGR, Phi Psi, Zeta Psi,
5. Phi Who, Far Sig, Fiji, Pi Lam, AXP, Chi Phi
6. Beta, Kappa Sig, DKE
7. Alpha sig, Sig Nu, Sig Tau
8. Theta Chi, Skulls, AKL
8. ADPhi, Mudhouse,
9. Triangle/ZBT, AphiDelta

1. Pi Phi, Alpha Phi, KD, KKG
2. ASA, Gamma Phi
3. Zeta, Theta, AXO, AZD, DZ
4. AOPi, DG, SDT, Phi Sig
5. ADPi, Sig Kap, Phi Rho, OphiA
6. Phi Mu, other sororitys

Main Changes: Moved Theta by popular demand, moved Chi Phi up because they threw a few decent parties in the past few weeks, took out Tril and ESA, (you guys know where you usually are anyway) #sorrynotsorry

Posted By: Baller
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In a mid tier house, not stoked on them but I'd much rather have Beta over than AXP or Chi Phi. Honest opinion move them above AXP and bump one of those two down

By: Close
by: The Man   

the only reason for you to post that comment is if youre in beta...... Mr. "mid tier house"

By: The Man
by: hahahaha   

i guess beta finally conceded that they aren't tier 4 and are now trying to put themselves in 5

By: hahahaha
by: @close   

gtfo beta. I would only switch you with chi phi and thats debatable

By: @close
by: Suh   

Yeah the girls in my sorority dont like axp and rather chi phi or even beta

By: Suh
by: truth   

only reason beta/chiphi are bottom of 5, top of 6 is because they don't throw down and don't get many away bars as a result, even though girls would rather go there than other places.

By: truth
by: @suh   

Then again my friends and I would rather go to any of those 3 houses than go to far sig or fiji...

By: @suh
by: Phi Who's bid card maker    

Yeah true trying to get a sorority pairing to goto far sig for their parties is very dificult

By: Phi Who's bid card maker

Chi phi always socials with better frats than themselves tho weve been over a few times for parties and daylongs, plus we love their house

By: Just a gal
by: Truths   

There is a difference between being good and being used. Chi Phi has a nice house, so people above them go there so they don't have to deal with any problems associated with hosting. Unless Chi Phi is hosting a party with upper tiers coming over, no good sorority is going to social with them. Another way to view this is, who has away bars at Chi Phi vs. where does Chi Phi have away bars at. Upper tiers are using Chi Phi's house and giving them pittance in return. That being said Chi Phi should be slightly above AXP

By: Truths
by: @truths   

No disrespect to chi phi bc if they keep the momentum up they will move up over the next year and as much as girls like Chi Phi, the truth is Chi Phi has only ever gotten two tier 5 houses to go to their house for away bars once each + they rarely get invited to far sig, fiji, axp, pi lam and phi who(never) #facts so please stop self ranking chi phi because there are people who actually know who you social with and you're away bars are weak because your socials are weaker than all tier 5 houses ranked here so they deserve to be switched with Beta.

By: @truths

Move AEPi to top tier baby lets gooooo

By: Jungle week


By: Wiener

everyone keeps saying DTD is dropping yet they're still socialing with tier 2 frats and decent sororities, so why so low? AEPi, sig pi, and sig ep dont get bars there for parties

By: girl


By: true

bump cuz of how many upvotes this has

By: freeeee

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