
zta new pc ????


Ztas new pc is definitely their typical attractive but they didnt get anywhere near as many standouts as usual. Is sigma going to be the new top ????

Posted By: not affliated
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Zeta’s pc isn’t their typical hot pc, there’s a few hot girls but the pc as a whole is painfully average. Sigma is the new top at Elon.

By: Changes

Sigma is 100% better than zeta now

By: truth
by: Drew   

Zeta > everything

By: Drew

Cant believe how much better sigma and phi mu did this year compared to zta

By: shook

were top and always will be

By: byee

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Some of ztas top girls went sigma

By: ?

If anyone fell this year its delta, AOPi is definitely above them now

By: no
by: hahha   

lolol ya right. delta took a great pc and stole some girlies from tops. they rnt in the same league as aoii

By: hahha
by: Slow down   

Delta had a disappointing pc this year for sure considering last years but aoii is still below them with their average pc this year

By: Slow down
by: Elon pi Chi    

Wrong and you will see . Aoii def go the better pc this year, but delta had a better one last year. So they are looking pretty even now. Both got some stand outs. Although aoii gets along better as a sisterhood and stood out during rush as the more genuine of the two .While delta always is the best with the Philanthropy.

By: Elon pi Chi

sigma takes top

phi mu and axid stole too many of the girls zeta wanted but didn’t take seriously enough. sigma got their gorlz. who wears the crown now?

By: hi

You can’t call a sorority “top” based on their most recent Pc, you have to look at the sorority as a whole. Based on that, we all know high sorority is top.... and it isn’t sigma.

By: Truth
by: wrong   

while looking at the WHOLE sorority, Sigma just took the lead. Once ztas seniors from this year leave they fall to 3rd behind phi mu.

By: wrong

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