

by: L

as a community we are each so proud of our houses but we feel the need to put other houses down? our overall sorority ranking is a 63%... shouldn't we be thinking we have the best system and try to build each up? the rankings aren't who's the best.. they've turned into who just sucks the least as top rank... that's pathetic. no matter what letters you wear you should remember that we all went greek for common reasons. We really are our own community but we just keep bringing each other down... let's try to turn this all around and work on being less desrtuctive and bonding as a common group to show everyone that we are not sterotypical greeks..

Posted By: L
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#1  by: Truth   

I completely agree. I think there are two types of Greeks on this campus.. those in it for the image and those that look at the deeper meaning of what it actually means to be Greek. Every house has both of the two. I've visited other campuses in the general area of the West side of the country and this campus is definitely high up in being one of the most judgmental and shallow. Your neighbors in Idaho are smaller, yes, but have a much better Greek bond that should be valued. Houses really should be looked at by who you mesh with, the values, and if those sisters are really going to be your sisters for life... not just four years because people forget it's much longer than that. It IS a lifelong commitment. Having fun, "getting it in," ya might make for some funny stories and memories and that's all great until you get to the real world and that brother or sisterhood you though was "so fun" actually abandons you in the real world. This site does nothing but bash each house when each house has something so special to share with a PNM and PNMs really need to evaluate why they're going Greek and what they want in a sisterhood and if those values of a certain chapter fit with who you are because that is what is going to make your lifelong membership of being Greek fulfilling, genuine, and REAL. Remember, no matter the letter we're Greek together! Prove the outside community wrong by supporting each other and live the values each one of your chapter's Creeds have established.

By: Truth
#2  by: excuse me?   

you sir are incorrect.. and a bit naive yourself. besides if you aren't even greek.. why are you on this site.. gtfo ya geed

By: excuse me?
#3  by: um   

Why are YOU still in your house? If it is so horrible? Get a life and grow up. Sounds as though you are the one lacking in maturity.

By: um
#4  by: Facts   

Look them up and you'll see that actually it does help on your resume if you're Greek plus there's a wide network of people you can connect to. Also, I agree you're a horrible example of Greek life bashing on a system you are in (which I don't really believe). If you hate it so much just drop out because you don't deserve to be in the Greek system with this horrible of an attitude.

By: Facts
#5  by: Acorn   

We all know you wrote the Every house deserves 5 stars shiiiit.....

By: Acorn
#6  by: facts   

Ya I did. Because its people like you who have no idea what Greek life is about

By: facts
#7  by: Greek Senior Woman   

Greek life is about buying friends, stabbing backs, and getting wasted on mom and dad's dime. I personally would have bailed out LONG ago if it wouldn't break my old grandma's heart... I am miserable in my sorority. Greek women are SHALLOW, VAIN, and DISHONEST. I have never been around a group of women who was more two-faced. This site is an example- all the bashing of all the other houses, but none of these girls would dare say a bad word to the face of any girl in that house. I have said it before and I will say it again- sororities are made for girls who do not have their own personalities, or their own opinions, or their own morals and need someone to dictate these things for them.

By: Greek Senior Woman
#8  by: Greek   

It's unfortunate you weren't able to stay a non-Greek if you hate it so much. Everything you stated is completely false. There are women and men in the Greek system and outside of the Greek system that are what you state they are but going Greek is a personal preference and if you don't like it then people are allowed to drop and not be in it. It sounds like you could've dropped if you really wanted to and you're just bashing to bash which makes you look very shallow, vain, and dishonest yourself. I pay for my own sorority experience because it was my decision to go Greek and I don't regret it for an instant. Drama and catty fights happen in any friend group because we're girls, it's in our nature, but my house isn't at all what you explain Greek life to be whatsoever. No one dictates anything for me and I (as well as my sisters) freely say what's on our minds if we have something to contribute or critique about our chapter. Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you should say nasty things like that.

By: Greek
#9  by: hmm   

well, sounds like you definitely drank the kool-aid. congrats on your sheep-dom.

By: hmm

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