


So this is my first time on this site, and I have to say, I think these rankings are pretty much completely accurate. Like I agree with them in almost every way, with the exception that KAT should def be above DG. If you are considering joining, avoid those bottom 5 or 6 with all your might!!! It seriously makes a difference in how you are viewed by the rest of the greek community, even if everyone totally denies it, if you are in one of the bottom houses.

Posted By: Honestly
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Wow, it is people like you that make our Greek system look bad. Who are you to say that any of the so-called "bottom" houses are bad and that you should "avoid them"? It's ridiculous. If those houses are sooooo bad then people sure care about them a lot and spend a lot of time thinking about them because they definitely have the most ratings than any of the so-called "top" houses. It's people like you that are so insecure about your own sisterhood that it makes you feel better to bash on others...it's like kicking a horse when it's already down, and it's absolutely pathetic. All I can say is that a lot can change in 10 years.

By: Greekluv

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Your ridiculous theres a place in the greek community for everyone and its people like you who discourage people from joinging because they think people like you will look down upon them. Nobody should give a damn and should join the house they fit best in. I feel sorry for your house, im sure they arent a bad house because NO HOUSES ARE BAD. But... they have you in it.

By: hey

All these house are good houses! and you should choose which one suits your personality best but to be honest this is an accurate ranking:

A phi, DG, KKG, AGD

Theta, KD, G-phi

Middle Bottom:
Chi O, A chi O, AOPI

Sigma Kappa, ADPI, Tri-delts

By: To be honest
by: greekster   

KKG on top?? LOL!!!!! self-ranked

And G-phi is more of middle-bottom and I would place CHI O after AOPI and ADPI is last

More like this:

Top: Aphi, AGD, Theta, DG

Middle: KKG, KD
Middle Bottom: G-phi, A chi O, AOPI, Chi O

Bottom: Sigma Kappa, Tri Delts, ADPI

And I honestly don't know what makes G-phi higher in the middle bottom when they have the worst grades... had to scratch my head on that one, but will keep them there for now. Once Pan's grades are released, we shall see if G-Phi maaaaay be last on middle tier if they seem to be near lowest grades again.

By: greekster

YOu think KKG self-ranked? How about you are doing it right now...we can totally tell you are a Theta. THey are ovbi not above DG, KKG or KD. Maybe not even GPhi...! I am not in a house, but my roommate is. From an outsider, here is how I see it:

Get into ANY house besides the very bottom ones (SK, ADPI or TRI DELT) and you will prob be pretty happy. Who knows...the girls in the "bottom" houses prob have fun and like greek life too.

Honest rankings below (IMO) although KD might be below KKG as they are getting a pretty trasy rep this year with many other sororities...

Middle: Theta, GPHI, AXO, AOPI
Bottom: Chi O, SK, Tri delta, ADPI

By: Really...
by: YESS   

^^^this one is def the most accurate!


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