

by: 2025

Rankings shouldn’t be the determining factor when picking a house. Houses will notice if you’re only rushing to join a top house and will prob drop you! Join the house you make the strongest connection with! These are the general consensus rankings for UW

1. Alpha Phi - ΑΦ
2. Pi Beta Phi - ΠΒΦ
3. Gamma Phi Beta - ΓΦΒ
4. Kappa Alpha Theta - ΚΑΘ
5. Delta Delta Delta - ΔΔΔ
6. Kappa Kappa Gamma - ΚΚΓ
7. Kappa Delta - KΔ
8. Delta Gamma - ΔΓ
9. Delta Zeta - ΔΖ
10. Alpha Chi Omega- ΑΧΩ
11. Chi Omega - ΧΩ
12. Alpha Gamma Delta - ΑΓΔ
13. Alpha Xi Delta - ΑΞΔ
14. Alpha Delta Pi - AΔΠ
15. Sigma Kappa - ΣK
16. Phi Mu - ΦΜ
17. Zeta Tau Alpha - ZTA
18. Phi Sigma Rho (Stem Sorority)- ΦΣP


1. Beta Theta Pi - ΒΘΠ
2. Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) - ΦΓΔ
3. Tau Kappa Epsilon - ΤΚΕ
4. Alpha Delta Phi - ΑΔΦ
5. Pi Kappa Phi - ΠΚΦ
6. Theta Chi - ΘΧ
7. Chi Psi - ΧΨ
8. Sigma Alpha Epsilon - ΣΑΕ
9. Sigma Phi Epsilon - ΣΦΕ
10. Pi Kappa Alpha - ΠΚΑ
11. Phi Kappa Psi - ΦΚΨ
12. Phi Delta Theta - ΦΔΘ
13. Alpha Sigma Phi - ΑΣΦ
14. Delta Tau Delta - ΔΤΔ
15. Phi Kappa Sigma - ΦΚΣ
16. Theta Delta Chi - ΘΔΧ
17. Delta Kappa Epsilon - ΔΚΕ
18. Kappa Sigma - ΚΣ
19. Sigma Nu - ΣN
20. Psi Upsilon - ΨΥ
21. Lambda Chi Alpha - ΛΧΑ
22. Theta Xi - ΘΞ
23. Delta Chi - ΔX
24. Alpha Epsilon Pi - ΑΕΠ
25. Delta Upsilon - ΔΥ
26. Zeta Psi (Post Incident)- ΖΨ

Posted By: 2025
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Page 2 of 6
#11  by: Boof   

Pike self rank

By: Boof
#12  by: b   

no way you think axo is that high and adpi is that low like hello

By: b
by: 😂Jan 31, 2025 1:01:53 PM

adpi sucks stop glazing them

By: 😂
#13  by: Kappa Sigma Sucks   

This one is accurate. Unlike all the Ksig self ranks posted recently

By: Kappa Sigma Sucks
#14  by: uw   

switch axid adpi and its good

By: uw
#15  by: soybean    

actually relevant rankings unlike all the old ones being pushed

By: soybean
#16  by: 💫💫💫   

this is it 💫

By: 💫💫💫
#17  by: Willow   

Switch Gphi Piphi

By: Willow
#18  by: Bump   

Accurate for both the rest aren’t true 🤞

By: Bump
#19  by: slay   

good for cob

By: slay
#20  by: sig   

switch theta chi n pikapps their house is unlivable

By: sig
by: KapFeb 12, 2025 1:36:43 AM

Which theta chi wrote ts

By: Kap
by: obviousMar 1, 2025 4:30:54 PM

Pikapps has the worst house on greek row😭

By: obvious

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