
not rushing as a freshmen?

by: UW Girl

I currently live in McCarty and I want to rush. I rushed two years ago. I have questions about rush if someone could answer it, it would help a lot (In Your Opinion questions help too):

1.Is it hard for non freshmens to rush at UW?
2.If you are a non freshmen do they get selective admission to those who live out of state in like Cali?
3.Which houses are open minded about sophomores and juniors?
4.Is it harder to get into a sorority if you're not white?
5.Do they less frequently pick the ones who rushed twice or the ones who currently attend the UW?
6.What GPA do they look for for current UW student rushees?
7. In greek preview, do you hang out with ONE sorority instead of all of them?

~I do know having one thing that I qualify in does not affect getting invited back to a house but it would help to know these questions so I'm sort of prepared for Recruitment again.

Posted By: UW Girl
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#1  by: UW Girl   

8. Do they look for sorority body girls?

By: UW Girl
#2  by: ok   

The main point of Greek Preview is to try and show people what the Greek Community is about and it is super fun so you should do it! I'll try and answer to the best of my ability...

1. Sometimes houses prefer freshman but it really does not matter. Houses look at the girls not their age or class, just be yourself and don't give up through the process.
2.I'm not really sure what that question means. It does not matter where you are from, people here are from all over! Again just be yourself.
3. Every house and every class changes what they what they want on an incoming pc class. From what I have seen, every house is open to all older girls rushing.
4. Not at all! The Greek community accepts everyone and if you meet someone you treats you otherwise, screw them. Find a house that's right for you, and same with age and where you are from, it wont matter.
5. I'm not sure if we will know that you rushed twice, but if you have already gone through the process and didn't like anyone then why do it again?
6. Every house has different GPA standards for their houses, it is not something they will share with you, but know that academics are very important to every house and if your GPA is too low then it is sad for both sides when they have to let you go.
7. On Greek preview you get to go to a few houses! Maybe 3 or 4? Have an open mind going in, don't try to be someone you're not, and just have fun. Those girls are nervous too, they want to impress you like you do.

By: ok
#3  by: lets be real   

Houses are more selective about non freshman, but houses all over take sophomores or juniors.juniors have a lot less of a chance, but still doable. Just be yourself. if you're a sophomoreyou'll do fine!

By: lets be real

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