
frat rankings


This is solely based upon this years performance. I tried to keep it as unbiased as possible, but obviously that's impossible. I couldn't comment on some of the ones I've never been to or heard of anyone in my house going to, if someone wants to extend this list onward, feel free. If you think a house should be moved, provide a reason why, don't just say "OMG ASIGS R TOP U R STUPIT, WE RUN GREEK ROW N BANG DA HOTTIST SLAMS". Its fine if you feel that way, but provide an educated argument or statement to support your claim. We're all supposed to be smart here, this isn't WSU after all.

1. Fiji
2. Beta
3. Sigma Chi
4. Alpha Delt
5. Teke
6. AEPi
7. Zetes
8. Pi Kapp
9. Chi Psi
10. A Sigs
11. D Chi
12. TDX
13. Sig Ep
14. Pike
15. Delts
16. Theta Chi
17. SAE
18. DU
19. Psi U
20. Phi Psi

Posted By: ShackingEveryNight
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Pretty accurate.. Except move PhiPsi wayy up at like 12 or 13, Zetes up a spot or 2, same with PiKapps.

By: No...

Fiji down from first spot, tdx down below sig eps, pikes, and Delts, and phi psi up one or two. Otherwise pretty good

By: Close

I'd move TDX and SAE down, and both PhiPsi and Pikes up a few spots! I always have a good time at those houses!! :)

By: SoroStar

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