
frat rankings


This is solely based upon this years performance. I tried to keep it as unbiased as possible, but obviously that's impossible. I couldn't comment on some of the ones I've never been to or heard of anyone in my house going to, if someone wants to extend this list onward, feel free. If you think a house should be moved, provide a reason why, don't just say "OMG ASIGS R TOP U R STUPIT, WE RUN GREEK ROW N BANG DA HOTTIST SLAMS". Its fine if you feel that way, but provide an educated argument or statement to support your claim. We're all supposed to be smart here, this isn't WSU after all.

1. Fiji
2. Beta
3. Sigma Chi
4. Alpha Delt
5. Teke
6. AEPi
7. Zetes
8. Pi Kapp
9. Chi Psi
10. A Sigs
11. D Chi
12. TDX
13. Sig Ep
14. Pike
15. Delts
16. Theta Chi
17. SAE
18. DU
19. Psi U
20. Phi Psi

Posted By: ShackingEveryNight
Page 1 of 2

I agree I think this is very spot on!

By: coool

Actually the only thing I would disgree with is that Fiji is top house, they arent that fun to party with

By: coool

betas above fiji. they actually have parties and people actually know them

By: lol

I think the fact that TDX is no longer an affiliated house at UW should demote them a substantial amount. Below Delts, which is the last relevant house. Otherwise the ordering is really good.

By: tdx

are Tekes and Chi Psi really up there? Besides that, its a great looking list

By: dawg
by: what   

are you serious??

By: what
by: Dawg   

I meant fijis, not tekes. My bad

By: Dawg

a delts over tekes?

By: lol

zetes over aepi

By: frat

When you make Fiji #1 it discredits the whole list. I bet your a Fiji...right? Overall it is fairly close but it would be much more accurate if they were in tiers. Drop Fiji to about a 4 or 5 spot. I don't really know who is number #1 though which is why Tiers would be better

By: wienercontrol

is AEP really > than pikapp/zete? questionable

By: McGavin

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I'm pretty sure frats can't accurately rank each other.. An accurate list would be one that girls put together.. then there's no bias

By: frat
by: UW333   

There's always gonna be bias, no matter what

By: UW333
by: UW333   

There's always gonna be bias, no matter what

By: UW333

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