
frats and sororities


Can you lovely, experienced greek members tell us what houses (frats to sororities)(sororities to frats) each house parties with? Example; Thetas usually party with _____, _____, _____. Fijis party with ______,______.
You guys would be amazing if you can list all of the houses (low to top tier) and their party/mixer houses!

I'm obviously inexperienced with who hangs out with who since I am going for recruitment so I would like my big brothers and big sisters to tell me so I'm a little bit more informed when I make decisions.

Posted By: I love you.
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Why would you care? That literally does not matter at all...plus it changes year to year with new pledges classes for mostly every single house.

By: why?
by: PNM   

Well we freshmen do want to know beforehand so we know some "history" before we join? I And thanks "confused" guy this helps out a lot! It's not the only thing that makes us pledge for a certain house. We, well I and this "i love you person" probably want to know more about the houses we will be joining/ who we might affiliate with.


as to why you want to know this, but in general:

Fijis/Betas: pretty much only party with houses on 17th
Sigma Chi/Tekes/AEPI: party with top/middle houses
Pi Kapps/ Chi Psi/ Alpha Delts: party with mostly middle houses, but a lot of girls like them
Zetes: have some of the biggest parties, so a lot of girls go. In general, not sure who they hang with
Sig Ep/Pikes/Delta Chi/A Sigs: middle/lower houses
Lambda/Delts/TDX: lower
everyone else: unsure

Honestly though, you shouldn't choose a house just based on who they hang out with. Most girls go to almost every frat, and different groups within each sorority have their own preference.

By: confused

Thetas hang out with betas & fijis.

By: Muffins

Total GDI

By: Dawg69

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If you're choosing a house based off of who they hangout with then you aren't going to have a good time. Choose where you best fit in and then go wherever you want,

By: wrong

thetas party with fijis still.

By: greek

This is stupid, why should you care, everyone should stop worring and just enjoy college and the greek system

By: stupid

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