
top 4 in grades last year


Spring Grades-2017
Theta 135 79 3.60 1
KD 131 73 3.53 2
Kappa 126 63 3.52 3
DG 132 67 3.51 4
Winter grades 2017
GPhi 131 72 3.56 1
Theta 135 77 3.56 1
KD 140 74 3.52 3
ADPi 141 66 3.50 4
DG 134 69 3.50 4

Fall 2016
Theta 136 36 100 3.57 1
Kappa 134 36 98 3.49 2
KD 142 36 106 3.49 2
Gphi 138 36 102 3.48 4
DG 137 36 101 3.48 4

Say what you want about Theta but the data speaks...

Posted By: pan
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yay for comm majors!! would be nice if grade lists showed major distributions

By: lol
by: ya   

this is so true. a 3.3 as a stem major is so much more impressive than a 3.6 as a comm/business major

By: ya

Gphi,DG,Kappa and KD are consistently in the top 4 -regardless of theta

By: J

Hi theta! Why are you posting on Greek rank? Everyone knows that you cheat to get those grade rankings with the library book trick. You're not fooling anyone

By: Lol
by: WTF   

library book trick?


Theta doesn't submit all of their grades to Panhellenic and they've been getting away with it for years. A good friend of mine is on Panhel and they've tried to catch them doing just sucks that pnm's will see the rankings and think they're real

By: Rly

between the rankings most only vary by .01 or so (look at 2-3). Don't get hung up on place when theyre all really close. Most sororities put an emphasis on grades, ask girls in the house about their academics and what their house does for it during recruitment and decide for yourself,

By: teh truth

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Ask about majors, not just GPA ranking Seriously consider houses with women in your area of interest so you have older students for advice and support.

By: Mom

It's pretty common that top houses factor in grades during recruitment. It happens at almost every school so you shouldn't be surprised that theta does well w grades

By: Duh

Theres no such thing as "top" or "bottom" house unless you are a geed who doesn't know about the Greek system. And its true, some houses do better in grades than others, but most are very equal. Its the fact that some houses have computer science and nursing majors whereas others have com majors is why there is such a gap.

By: No

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