


So I'm a theta legacy but I'm most interested in sisterhood and will be rushing in the fall. However I have heard that their sisterhood is not very good and want to know if this is just rumors to tarnish their reputation. Also How bad is the hazing? I've also heard pretty horrific things. Thanks in advance (and yes this is a serious question.)

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I know someone who is a theta legacy and ended up being a theta. She's not very happy there...keep your options open.

By: Yup

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There's absolutely no hazing. The first night out is as close as it gets but as far as I've heard everyone is told that they don't have to drink if they don't want to. As far as sisterhood, they're not great but have definitely improved. I know their pc16 has gotten a lot better in terms of cliques and one of my friends was actually put in charge of starting sister hood events. It's not fantastic but from what I can tell they've atleast recognized that and worked on it and their newest pc is way better than the older ones

By: ..

Yeah it's an amazing double standard that frats will get shut down left and right for hazing while somehow theta and the awful things they do are allowed to go on.

Theta is just a cruel house focused on status only. They won't let you hang out with people based on the house they're in. Know a guy or a girl in a house below their status? Can't hang out. They're completely toxic to this Greek system.

By: I

OP, just to be clear no one here genuinely knows what they're talking about unless they're actually in the house or on panhel. Hazing is not something to worry about, especially at UW. I don't know where all the rumors about thetas hazing come from but they're not based on any real evidence and everyone in the house says that nothing happens so make of that what you will.

Hazing aside, there are some incredible girls in each pc and some pretty crappy ones, but that goes for all houses. Please also take into consideration that the people here talking badly of them are on a gossip site talking crap about a group of girls for no reason other than to make them look bad. In my opinion, that makes their opinions pretty invalid.

It is true that theta lacks in sisterhood, but as others have said they've made efforts to improve that and it seems like pc16 is far better than previous ones.

Don't concern yourself what people on here are saying because they only ever have negative things to say and obviously there are positives to every house, including theta.

By: ;
by: Mai   

No hazing at UW? Lol are you joking?

By: Mai

You don't know where rumors of theta hazing come from?

Jesus I'm in a frat and I've heard them. Everyone knows it. Don't lie to these poor girls

By: Jesus

Theta: we don't haze! Our sisterhood is strong! We don't recruit based on looks and money!
everyone: wE DoNT hAzE¡ oUr SisTeRHoOd iS sTroNg¡ wE dOnT rEcRuiT BaSEd oN loOks Or MoNeY¡

By: Spongebob meme

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