
diversity in the gs?


why are some houses 100% white? just an observation.

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passive racism

By: t
by: yup   

Implicit bias is alive and well. You'll notice the houses getting more diverse as you go down the tiers.

By: yup

You can't solely blame that on the house. A lot of racially diverse people don't rush some houses simply because they don't see other diverse people. A lot of houses try to make their house more diverse.

By: 2 ways

Zeta psi is top but has a monopoly on black men

By: Yup

this is exactly what i noticed going through rush, and exactly why i felt like i felt so out of place at "top" houses. It changes the way they look at you.

By: yup
by: .   

This is exactly how I felt while rushing.

By: .
by: :(    

this is also how I felt during rush!! I thought I was the only one. I also felt like I got dropped from higher-ranked houses bc of not being white..

By: :(

I agree this is a problem I've noticed but doesn't this make sense considering UW is predominantly white..?

By: hm
by: Stats   

Look up the racial break down of people rushing and I bet you the racial break down of the school is much different

By: Stats

Rush made me feel like I had to act "whiter" to fit in. There were also some girls during rush who i was talking to that didn't give me the time of day, especially at theta or kappa at house tours. I think that it's not their faults necessarily but Panhellenic should encourage more diversity in general within the gs like maybe have at least some quotas

By: True
by: YES   

YES I AGREE this is exactly how I felt too. I agree that diversity should be encouraged (in ALL WAYS: racial, socio-economic backgrounds, etc.) but I'm not sure how :/ A "quota" definitely wouldn't be the right way to do it but definitely some houses (pi phi, theta, kappa, tri-delt..) need to rethink what their ideal member is.

by: Sorority   

So what you're saying is you want an entire sorority to change how they act just so you feel more comfortable.

By: Sorority
by: Yes   

Yes, an entire sorority should change the way they think and act to make POC feel just as comfortable as the white girls who are rushing. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.

By: Yes

To the person who said "so you want an entire sorority to change how they act so you feel more comfortable" uh yes, actually. I don't think suggesting that certain houses recruit based on factors aside from race and socio-economic status is a whole lot to ask for.
Plus, many chapters already have a "Diversity Chair" as a leadership position within the house. It's very clear which houses lack one, though.

By: sorority
by: Uw Guys   

Have you maybe thought about that sororities aren't rushing based on race or socio-economic status. Maybe they're recruiting based on the chemistry they have with you. There are people in wealthy houses that aren't wealthy. People with a similar racial and socioeconomic background will tend to get along better because they have gone through a lot of the same experiences and have a lot of the same interests. Why should they change for you. If you can identify with them, great. If you just don't fit in with them, you'll probably be happier somewhere else

By: Uw Guys

There are more than one "type" of beauty and the Greek system should do a better job recognizing it rather than having the token minorities in each house who are hidden on the side or on poster duty. Someone should really bring this to Panhellenic. It could be really positive for expanding the Greek system in the future of more people feel included

By: Pls learn

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Perfectly said, thank you :)

By: yes


By: Lol

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