
all these posts about these houses...true though


These houses are straight up like something out of mean girls: theta, pi phi, a phi, gphi, tri delt...dg..

If I were a PNM, I would want to know the real good houses to join... KD, AXO, Kappas, Adpi are probably my four favorites, but still hear great things about AGD, Axid, DZ, chi o

Don't join a house that is going to abuse you. Panhellenic is already at two strikes with most of those houses anyways, they're on the brink of getting shut down.

Posted By: Seriously
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do you know which houses have two strikes?

By: pnm

I'm glad you pointed out that DG has a mean side. I'm in a "bottom" sorority and was bullied by a couple DGs in one of my classes. People would always say that DG is such a solid, down to earth house but after my experience with those girls, I really didn't see DG as a genuine sorority. On the other, I have actually met some really nice girls in GPhi. I'm not sure if KD deserves to be listed as one of the "good ones" either. I've had mixed experiences with these girls. But overall I agree with you

By: yes

DG I feel like are the girls that tried too hard to pretend they were cool in high school when in fact they weren't, aka they pretend to be someone who they're not when coming to college. They just put up this super awkward yet "I'm better than you" front and it's misleading and confusing and quite frankly annoying

By: Yeah
by: Agreed   

This is so true it's not even funny

By: Agreed

I know plenty of kind girls and people that are happy in the "mean girl" houses. In fact many girls from those houses are al friends with each other. Not "mean girls" you just must not know them well.

By: Eh

You sound super bitter, just sayin

By: Lol

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We have speakers coming by the sororities explaining how to recruit girls by bringing out their true selves, basically how to get the PNMs "cool girl front" to be taken down so they can open up. The "top houses" she explained are the constant cool girl front girls. They arnt true to themselves, rather they place emphasis on seeming to be flawless in many ways: constantly working to look pretty, seem social, hang out with the right frats, and be put together. They don't connect on a true deep level like other REAL houses do. I'm proud to say that I'm not in a "top house" where I don't feel the need to look perfect 24/7 because I'm around girls that don't judge me. I hang out with whatever guys I like, from alpha Delts to sae they literally won't care what house a girl is in as long as they're not crazy. In fact they always are better friends with the girls that are true friends to them, not the ones that wear skimpy clothes and hang around them like groupies.

By: UW
by: Uwpt2   

Putting down all top houses" as not "real" makes you just as bad as how you say girls in the "top houses" act. Maybe get to know some of them and see their true friendship instead of relying on your own stereotypes. Just because these girls aren't similar to you doesn't meant their friendships aren't real.

By: Uwpt2

I gotta say I have seen dgs help girls in sketch situations numerous times. Ya they might be sassy but it seems like they're generally nice.

By: Ab

Not all girls in the houses are the same! There are 100 girls in each house. There are mean girls in each house, nice girls, pretty girls , okay looking girls, etc.

By: No

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