Villanova University - VU Discussion

Page 16 of 134
oh yes, it is true By: Taylor   Last Post:

top: tridelt, kkg, axo mid: aphi, dg, kd bottom: xo, agd, adpi...Read More

By: Taylor   Last Post:

Started: Jul 7, 2023 8:36:59 AM
Facts............... By: chuck   Last Post:

top: tridelt, kkg, axo mid: aphi, dg, kd bottom: xo, agd, adpi...Read More

By: chuck   Last Post:

Started: Jul 7, 2023 8:36:28 AM
Srat ranks & tiers By: Woo   Last Post:

top: kkg, tridelt Upper mid: aphi, axo Lower mid: kd, dg bottom: agd,...Read More

By: Woo   Last Post:

Started: Jul 4, 2023 6:41:59 PM
This is it..................... By: come on   Last Post:

top: tridelt, kkg, axo mid: aphi, dg, kd bottom: xo, agd, adpi...Read More

By: come on   Last Post:

Started: Jul 5, 2023 8:14:55 AM
srat ranks!!!! by tier By: yayyyyy   Last Post:

top: tridelt, kkg, axo mid: aphi, dg, kd bottom: xo, agd, adpi...Read More

By: yayyyyy   Last Post:

Started: Jul 4, 2023 12:19:12 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
2023 bid day themes ranked (imo) By: bored   Last Post:

1. Kappa Kappa Slamma Jordan Year 2. Sweet Dreams Made...Read More

By: bored   Last Post:

Started: Jun 28, 2023 10:00:25 PM
real frat ranking By: truth   Last Post:

top: sig nu, sig ep, sig chi, dtd mid: phi sig,...Read More

By: truth   Last Post:

Started: Jun 12, 2023 6:39:48 PM
Alpha Delta Pi coming back By: Person   Last Post:

Looks like they'll be coming back to campus next year....Read More

By: Person   Last Post:

Started: May 11, 2023 5:16:48 PM
poll icon imagePOLL: #1 sorority? By: curious   Last Post:

...View Poll

By: curious   Last Post:

Started: Jun 8, 2023 2:31:56 PM
Stop self ranking Alpha Phi. By: come on!   Last Post:

your continuous self ranking is ridiculous. This is how it...Read More

By: come on!   Last Post:

Started: May 15, 2023 3:44:00 PM
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