Villanova University - VU Discussion

Page 14 of 134
loving this! So accurate By: whale   Last Post:

top: tridelt, kkg, axo mid: aphi, dg, kd bottom: xo, agd, adpi...Read More

By: whale   Last Post:

Started: Jul 7, 2023 8:37:52 AM
sorority predictions By: beep   Last Post:

by next year tridelt>kappa axo aphi kd>dg agd>xo...Read More

By: beep   Last Post:

Started: May 11, 2023 12:32:08 AM
let’s break it down 1 by 1… By: facts   Last Post:

ddd kkg axo aphi dg kd xo agd adpi sig ep sig nu dtd sig chi phi sig dchi pikapp beta lambda du...Read More

By: facts   Last Post:

Started: Jul 24, 2023 12:09:16 AM
Fall 2023 Rank By: cats   Last Post:

top: ddd, kkg Upper mid: axo, aphi mid: kd, dg bottom:...Read More

By: cats   Last Post:

Started: Jul 28, 2023 7:34:23 PM
Ranks but Accurate No “Ties” By: bloop   Last Post:

Frats: Sig Ep Sig Nu DTD Sig Chi Phi Sig Delta...Read More

By: bloop   Last Post:

Started: Jul 14, 2023 3:01:32 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
Greek Life Rankings By: Courts   Last Post:

Sororities: kappa tridelt axo aphi dg kd xo agd adpi Frater nities: sig ep sig nu dtd sig chi phi sig dchi pikapp beta DU lambda...Read More

By: Courts   Last Post:

Started: Jul 26, 2023 10:45:14 AM
agd... let's be so for real By: lol   Last Post:

they've been making their sisters sit on this site and...Read More

By: lol   Last Post:

Started: Jul 29, 2023 9:04:16 AM
Dear PNMs………….. By: Bruh   Last Post:

Don’t use this site. If you don’t think every sorority...Read More

By: Bruh   Last Post:

Started: Jul 19, 2023 9:29:49 PM
who loves who the most... By: teaaaa   Last Post:

tri delt x sig ep/dtd kappa x sig chi axo x sig...Read More

By: teaaaa   Last Post:

Started: Jul 26, 2023 8:39:03 AM
Don’t overcomplicate By: ranks   Last Post:

Tri Delt Kappa Axo Aphi Kd Dg ChiO Agd Adpi...Read More

By: ranks   Last Post:

Started: Jul 19, 2023 8:45:24 PM
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