
sorority comments


University of Tennessee at Knoxville - UTK General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 30 of 46

constant bashing doesn't change the facts. The top six on here are accurate except for that DDD should be in, DG out. I'm not saying they are necessarily in the right order, but DDD, KD, PhiMU, DZ, ADPI, and ACHIO are the top houses...like it or not.

By: Your

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what makes you think PhiMu isn't doing the bashing...they have really dropped and maybe they're trying to get back on top. Did you think about that? Maybe you should lay off of KKG.

By: Listen

To the person two comments below, AXO is a top house?! Are you delusional? Do you even go to UT? They suck.

By: Excuse me?

I meant AOPI...but to say ACHIO sucks is plain rude. To your "holier than thou attitude," there are lots of nice girls in there and no house at UT "sucks." There are great girls in ALL the houses. You are probably the one who cuts/pastes the same nasty comment on the top houses walls...just go away.

By: To excuse me

And your comments are just as nasty, saying who you think is in the top and who's not. So how about you get rid of your "holier than thou" attitude and learn a little bit about what it means to be a hypocrite?

By: ...

I clearly said what houses are considered top...that is not nasty or demeaning to others. If you noticed I also said ALL the houses have GREAT girls, which they do. I happen to NOT be in any of those houses, and I don't care. It's ridiculous that people constantly bash those houses for really no good reason. You should be ashamed of yourself for criticizing any of the wonderful houses at UT.

By: To...

Actually, it is demeaning to others. You could have just said that all the houses have great girls, and just left it at that. But instead, you felt like you had to put in your two cents and say who you think is best and who isn't. Do you really think that ranking sororities isn't demeaning and nasty? Because that's exactly what you did.

By: ...

not at all, considering I'm not in any of those houses. I don't care that I'm not in a "top six." I love my house even though we may not be the most popular. So essentially you're saying I am demeaning myself. You are the nasty one telling people they "suck." There is not defense for rude words towards a great house. Just because ACHIO isn't the most popular on campus, they are loaded with super sweet girls.

By: Nope

I agree with Nope...the only nasty one is you saying someone sucks.

By: To excuse me

It is really a shame that you felt the need to get on here and bash several houses on their Carnicus performances. It makes you look ridiculous and classless. No other house has done that when they have won stuff. You win one thing and act like it's an invitation to bash everyone...you really have shown all the houses just how mean and petty you are. Yuck..go away.

By: Dear AOPI and ADPI

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