
sorority comments


University of Tennessee at Knoxville - UTK General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 12 of 46

a top house wouldn't be worried about a lower house taking their spot unless they are close to passing them so probably not. you've made your point but you really can't lower rank those houses because of it because you don't know for sure it was one of them. and what about the "nice girls but oh so boring" i've seen that on a ton of different sorority pages.

By: so..

nice but boring doesn't compare to call someone a degrading name like troll.

By: so...

too bad you couldn't get into a good school.

By: It's UT

AOPI (bad rush, but still good)
You can pick the order

By: Core 4

with the "Core Four." Obviously a KD wrote that, but no one really cares. Certain houses get on here and do nothing but bash other groups. The Greek women at UT are all involved and wonderful in some way. Sure, some houses may not be as popular, but that does not mean that they deserve to be criticized and called names. Houses that are VERY insecure or feel threatened by their ranks are the ones that post the "orders" of the houses. There is NO need for that. The Greeks should unite instead of tear each other apart!

By: I disagree

just get over yourself. You are extremely insecure if you have to flash that you are at the top. If you truly are, people know it and you don't have to advertise it. You must be from the house who is bashing to be in the top six on this sight...do you really care that much...hahah...so sad!

By: Please

We all know "HOO" you are....get the pun there...lol!

By: Amen

have to agree. Anybody that has to rank houses is very insecure about her house losing popularity. If you're great, you don't need to tell everybody. It's when you're really not, that you post a rank to make you feel better about yourself.

By: I wiil

I wiil, Amen, and Please...and yet you are all here because...why, exactly? and yeah, enough trying to pump up this whole "core four" nonsense...

By: Um

is one house that ix extremely worried that they are not that highly thought of any more. They are upset because apparently people don't think they are "core four." People do not think highly of you because you are not nice. It appears that you name call a self rank constantly. You know "hoo" you are!

By: There

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