
sorority comments


University of Tennessee at Knoxville - UTK General Sorority Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 11 of 46

I think you 2 (assuming you aren't the same person) are from 2 houses trying to be considered "Top 6" but aren't Top 6 material. Stop trying to create buzz by flogging the idea that the Top 6 has changed. It's sad and depressing seeing you so consumed by this. The majority of the public knows the Top 6, knows that the Top 6 is what it is. Deal with it and move on.

By: So sad

you are rude and rushed poorly..it is sad and depressing that you constantly belittle everyone to make yourself look better. And boy are you way off...I am in a "Top Six" house...a true "Top Six." :)

By: So sad

I don't think what So sad 1 said was rude at all. BTW, can you prove you are in a "Top Six" house? I could say I am, or I could I am in DG, or DZ, or KD...who would know for sure? Just cause you say you are, doesn't make it so. And you say So sad 1 rushed poorly...again, how do you know what sorority she is in? Or if she is even in a sorority? Or if she is even a she? There really is no way of knowing. If you really are in a "Top Six" house, prove it with your name and the name of your house.

By: @So sad 2

get a life so sad.

By: Wow

how about we just have the sororitys settle this with a foxy boxy tournament? rank the sororitys according to how well they do? granted, not sure we want to see all the sororitys in bikinis, but might be fun...

By: hmmm

you are probably the one who belittles everyone but your own house.

By: Hmmm

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you really lack class. You are probably the same person who call people trolls, boring,delusional. You kind of gave yourself away with the self rank use of troll and the bashing use of troll. The negative comments seem to be coming from one of two houses. What is really a shame is that it is probably one jealous girl, and it's giving your whole houses a bad reputation.

By: Or

it could just be a variety of people who don't agree with you on which houses are better or worse than others. blaming it all on one person is kind of deluded...the troll thing could be 1 person, but ALL the negative comments are from 1 person? it's not possible that certain sororitys are disliked by a larger than you think segment of the student population? by your logic, all the negative comments directed towards the top houses could also be from 1 person as well. the fact that you are so quick to judge and blame certain sororitys, without hardcore evidence to back yourself up (really, given the way this website is set up, how can you prove who is making any of the comments?), says just as much about your insecurities as well...

By: Or

then just explain why the word troll was used by two houses with good ranks and towards another less popular house in a bitter, slamming matter. You have to admit, it's suspicious. Nobody is blaming it on one person, but i doubt seriously that many non Greeks actually visit this sight. Nobody is blaming anyone, but it just seems a little suspicious when an obscure word like troll is used to bash one group and applaud two others.

By: To Or

I saw no other positive and bashing remarks with the same phrases except troll.

By: Really?

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