
Three Tiers Is the Real Truth


There are three tiers here, let's be honest. There's a top, middle, and lower. There's none of this lower top, upper middle junk people post. All houses in each tier are interchangeable based on where you are from. We do not have a bottom tier here. Every house has great girls and not so great girls. That's the real truth.

Top in no particular order:
ADPI, TriDelt, PhiMu, DZ, KD, AXO

Middle in no particular order:
ChiO, AOPII, DG, KKG, Zeta

Lower in no particular order:
SK, PiPhi, Alpha Gam

Posted By: Fall Rankings
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This is the only close rank on here. This post is pretty accurate. The six listed as top are the six that most girls hope for. The best to one is not the best to another. If you're an instate girl you'd say PhiMu, KD, or TriDelt. If you are an academic you'd say ADPI, if you're an OOS girl you'd say DZ. I am not sure about AXO being top honestly. They are not known for their academics and don't receive chapter recognitions, so I would put them as middle, honestly.

By: Truth

This is 100% correct.

By: Correct

This right here is the only thing I have read that makes any sense at all.

By: Absolutely

This is the truth. The other rankings are a couple of houses who post consistantly saying they are top. They may be with a certain group of girls but definitely not everyone going through recruitment, especially OOS girls. That is why other sororities have gained popularity. They take a lot of OOS girls that nobody knows, and they turn out to be fabulous!

By: Honestly

So as a new pledge why is it that as an SK a frat just told me I couldn’t come in to their party but a phi mu was allowed in!?! I’m new to this so not sure if we should only be going to certain frats?

By: Sooo
by: Lol   

Nice try, PhiMu. This is a complete lie. If you’re a girl, frats let you in. Do you seriously think your pledge class is any better looking than anyone else’s?!? Well, I can answer that; they are definitely not. Instagram doesn’t lie. Get over yourselves.

By: Lol
by: SoDumb   

You’re full of sh-t. If you wasn’t let in you were prob rude from the jump. Frats dont turn girls away.

By: SoDumb
by: Nah   

You prob don’t even go here. The only difference in treatment is a few ‘top’ frats don’t directly send party invites to the ‘lower’ sororities, but they’ll never turn a girl away for anything unless she personally did something to get herself blacklisted. I’ve never even heard of them asking what sorority youre in at the door so idk how this would even come up. Coming from an SK who’s gone to many frat parties.

By: Nah

Some yall cant stop with all the self promoting on here. Insecure af. The girls I know in SK are all pretty and smart and nice. There GPA is higher than axo an the same as phi mu. Just say your jealous. You look dumb.

By: SoDumb

This is the only truth on here.

By: Yes

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This is definitely it.

By: Truth

So did we just seriously attack someone who was simply asking a question ?? I’ve been to some tailgates and Frats absolutely turn some houses away. Way to attack someone who was asking a question I don’t think she meant anything by it

By: Ride
by: Lol   

The attack was because it said a PhiMu was let in and a SK wasn’t, which we all know is a blatant attempt of PhiMu trying to act like they are better than everyone else and low key slamming SK.

By: Lol

Bumping this because the self ranking trolls are back.

By: Sigh

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