
Three Tiers Is the Real Truth


There are three tiers here, let's be honest. There's a top, middle, and lower. There's none of this lower top, upper middle junk people post. All houses in each tier are interchangeable based on where you are from. We do not have a bottom tier here. Every house has great girls and not so great girls. That's the real truth.

Top in no particular order:
ADPI, TriDelt, PhiMu, DZ, KD, AXO

Middle in no particular order:
ChiO, AOPII, DG, KKG, Zeta

Lower in no particular order:
SK, PiPhi, Alpha Gam

Posted By: Fall Rankings
Page 1 of 4

This is the absolute truth. It’s comical watching the same 2 or 3 houses post ranks over and over putting themselves as the top, when in reality, there are 6 top houses depending on which frat you ask. This poster got it right.

By: Yes

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I couldn't agree more. This top, lower top, top middle is absurd, bottom is absurd. Like we don't even have bottom here. Some houses just like to believe that they are soooo elite. It's really sad in a pathetic way. Do you honestly think in 5 years anybody is going to care what sorority you were in? I saw some ridiculous comment that a frat guy dates based on what house you're in. That is so stupid, and if that were true you'd really want to go out with that guy. I have friends in PiPhi and SK with boyfriends in top frats. A quality guy dates a girl for her attributes, not for the sorority she is in. Be real and check yourselves. Maybe you will figure out what's truly important before you graduate.

By: True
by: Amen   

This right here. It is truly pathetic to scrap over who is better, let alone, post that more guys will go out with you if you are in KD and PhiMu. Seriously, it doesn't matter what sorority you are in. Genuine girls get great guys, period. I genuinely feel sorry for those girls who have to try to convince people they are top tier. You must be extremely insecure.

By: Amen
by: Amen2that   

Only the most pathetic girls and guys date based on a sorority or frat’s status on one of the anonymous posts. What girl wants a guy that shallow and vice versa? All the sororities have beautiful smart girls. All of them! You have to maintain a certain gpa to stay on campus. I wish I knew who made all the mean comments here. They have to be the most miserable and insecure people on campus. Go to class and worry about your grades instead of being a jerk on the internet.

By: Amen2that

Finally we’re getting real

By: Ittiiejdfjjskdkf

Finally, somebody posts the truth. There are amazing girls in every single chapter here and some not so amazing girls. For KD, PhiMu, and AXO to continually post on here that they are better than everyone else is ridiculous. In what world??? You post about girl's looks. Is that how you recruit? No wonder you all have a higher than normal amount of mean girls. Look at the instagram pages. Your girls are no cuter than everybody elses. Be real.

By: Seriously

Couldn't agree more. Now let's do the frats

By: truth

Finally someone got it right.

By: Finally

I wouldn't consider AXO or ADPI top. Think about who won all the awards last year. It was Zeta, KD, DZ, PhiMu, TriDelt, and Chio. In my opinion, that shows that these houses are engaged and involved,

By: Honestly
by: Yep   

I agree!

By: Yep
by: Well   

That's a great point. AXO is far from top. Lowest GPA and snap bids. Why do they even think they are close to the top?

By: Well

This is the only true rank I have seen on this site.

By: Truth

Anybody on campus can tell you this. KD and PhiMu would think otherwise, but in reality, they are no better than any of the other top houses.

By: Yep

This is the truth.

By: This

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