
Let’s be Real….


Everyone is freaking out about the Lang thing but don’t realize it’s a reflection on KDs reputation as a whole… but you guys aren’t ready to talk about that are you.

Posted By: Volforlyfe
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That’s why they keep deleting all the posts about it and limited their instagram comments

By: Fax

it’s truly shocking that she’s still in kd

By: crazy
by: what   

i think it’s bc that’s what a sisterhood should do…support each other.

By: what

All this situation has shown is that Kd is a true sisterhood. A girl went through something horrible and unimaginable and instead of tearing her down like other chapters have been doing, kd stood with her and showed their love and support. They didn’t kick her out because sisterhood is more important than reputation. Why kick her when she’s already down. That’s not what a real sisterhood should do. KD is wanted through rush because people can feel the love and support that they have for each other no matter what. And this situation is a perfect example. I haven’t seen one Kd tear her down but they have all stood with her. It’s sad to see girls tearing other girls down like the one who posted this.

By: real
by: be so fr   

KD may be the most wanted during rush, but quit with the bs that it’s because “people can feel the love and support”. They don’t have a rep for being mean and snobby for no reason. They’re wanted because they’re the popular hot girls, end of.

By: be so fr
by: yea   

nah i agree with this im not in a sorority but it actually does show a lot that the sorority didn’t kick her out thought thats what sororities are for? Honestly raised my opinion of kd and sororities in general

By: yea

I agree. It’s crazy to see other girls tearing her down. That is literally the opposite of what sororities are for.

By: agree
by: huh   

Do you really want to say on a website like greekrank that tearing other girls down is the opposite of what sororities do? This website does nothing but tear each other apart. That’s literally the point of Greekrank when you boil it down.

By: huh

the only people talking bad about this poor girl and the sorority she’s in is girls in other chapters who are just jealous of kd and trying every resort to make kd look bad because they know that’s their only resort. the only people who hate girls in kd is girls in other chapters who want to be them. it’s actually rlly sad and so not pan love.

By: jealousy

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by: F that   

Once KD learns what pan love is, they’ll get plenty in return. Until they stop treating other chapters like crap, people will continue to be honest about how they treat the rest of the village.

By: F that
by: lol   

Hilarious for you to cry it’s not pan love when your whole comment is saying how kd is better than everyone else and people are just jealous. Did you actually think this was making a pro pan love statement lol

By: lol

Tearing down one sorority doesn't do a thing to make yours any better. Every chapter has members this could happen to and you know who they are in your chapter. It's just dumb luck they don't get noticed.

By: truth

Why do sororities make sure people aren't drinking in pictures and try to maintain a good image? They just don't know how to truly kick Lily out.

KD has wanted Lily gone the whole year.She has had a bad rep sleeping w peoples boyfriends and everything.No KD wants to be seen with Lily

By: standards
by: ya   

Ya something interesting for PNMs to know is it is pretty difficult to be kicked out of a sorority once you are in one. The reason Lily Lang is still in KD is because sleeping around isn’t a real rule violation. If a sorority actually wants a member gone they will try to pressure them to drop by making their membership miserable.

By: ya
by: GG   

A KD was kicked out when my mom was in for sleeping around. She was voted out because her reputation was so bad. Anytime her name comes up my mom and her friends say - oh, remember she was voted out junior year.

By: GG

Really? Like AXO doesn’t have a XXX reputation for their girls on campus and DG so badly wants that rep. Quit trying to bring a top house down with this BS. No one is innocent. We just aren’t hypocrites about it. Again notice how KD and Phi Mu are never on here starting crap. They are at the parties you can’t get into! So stop

By: Volsz
by: damn   

AXO and DG weren’t even mentioned dude which one of them hurt you

By: damn

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