
most woke sorority

by: pnm

with everything going on with the world right now, what sorority has done the best responding to everything? like basically what sorority is the most woke?

Posted By: pnm
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#1  by: Hi   

Phi mu has posted a lot regarding everything that has happened in the world. One of their chapter members went live to talk about it

By: Hi
#2  by: Hi   

Honestly none of them are that woke. There are pockets of girls in each sorority that are very active about the issues going on, however since there are about 300 members in each chapter that generally dominates the experience you will get. If you are looking for someone that is very active in social justice and what is going on in the world I would join a NPHC sorority or MGC instead of Panhellenic. I would not consider “going live” being woke. If you are going to join Panhellenic regardless sigma kappa has worked with NPHC to support them during this time and they have done a joint event in the past on privilege and feminism.

By: Hi
by: bruhAug 19, 2020 3:11:18 PM

actually a lot of sororities work with/attended events/hold events with MGC & NPHC. some more than others but they do.

By: bruh
#3  by: frat guy   

What a dumb question.

By: frat guy
#4  by: William Archibald III   

How about you just go to the one with the people you like the most like everyone else

By: William Archibald III

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