
re-rushing after dropping your sorority


If someone is pledging a sorority but drops right before initiation, would it be hard to get a bid somewhere else if she re-rushed the next fall? I keep telling someone it sounds risky but she says it's not a big deal. I know a girl who tried this at UGA and one who tried at Clemson and both got released early the second time, but the girl here says UTK recruitment isn't "as mean" as those schools. I just think it could work against you to be known as someone who took a bid then dropped. Also, she'll be an upperclassman next fall and the sororities she would want a bid from are ones that already cut her this year. It just seems like odds of this working out would be really low unless you transferred to another school. What are opinions on this?

Posted By: Risky?
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If, IF, the sororities know the reason she dropped and it is a legitimate reason (i.e., someone in her family was sick or financial issues) she may have a chance. I only say this because I have seen it happen. Although if girls in the houses do not know why she dropped it may work against her because they may assume she dropped because of selfish reasons. Sororities do have upperclassmen quota but it is not very high. ….and houses remember when girls go through recruitment for a second time. I'm not saying she will or will not get a bid from the houses that dropped her this year but they will definitely remember her from last year.

By: Honestly

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