
kappa delta


I want to be a kappa delta at UTK soooooooooo bad. I love what they stand for and I hear their sisterhood is very close and they participate in tons of events. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to up my chances of being invited to join their sisterhood?

Posted By: Anon
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would not go through rush with a house in mind. I thought I wanted to be a a KD but when I visited all the houses, I did not choose them. You might be surprised. KD is very cliquey and did not have the diversity I was looking for. Honestly, there is better out there. One pledge already quit because she said the way they portray themselves is way different than how they really are.

By: I

I would explore my options if I were you. What you see during rush is not what you get. My friend is pledging and is sticking with it, but she is not from their "target" area and is not super happy there.

By: Ditto

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What is their target area?

By: anon

If this gets into a discussion, do NOT give any info that makes it easy to figure out who you are. So many people were doing that over the summer, saying where they were from, GPA, activities, what they looked like. Even moms were doing it trying to get info for their daughters. When you do that, then name only certain sororities you'd want, it can mess up your recruitment.

Other sororities might be insulted that you've written them off without even meeting them and drop you. Plus, invites are limited, so why chance wasting one on someone who has already said she wants a different sorority? Then if the sorority you do want drops you, you're left with no bid to anywhere. So, questions are fine, but make sure you really stay "Anon."

I agree with what others said! Really, girls who come into recruitment with their hearts set on a certain sorority have a bigger chance of being disappointed. You need to be open to meeting and learning about all the chapters.

By: Heads up
by: Good   

Good advice. Thank you.

By: Good

I am definitely going in with an open mind, due to what I've just seen with people I've met/know I think that would be my best fit but I'm not getting my hopes up. I know it's competitive and ill end up where I'm supposed to.

By: Anon
by: Yes   

It's competitive, and even knowing that, I still saw some outcomes this year that surprised me some. Definitely go to the Panhellenic Preview in the spring. It was in March this past year and is where you'll get an early look at houses, meet sisters in a less-crazy setting than recruitment, learn what to expect and meet other PNMs. You should start seeing info about it and how to sign up on the Panhellenic website after the first of the year. I don't know if you're already a UTK student or if you'll be a freshman in the fall, but preview is open to both.

By: Yes

This is ridiculous. No pledges have quit. Why is this even a topic?

By: What?
by: Seriously   

...why is this a topic? KD isn't that great. Sloppy and lack class.

By: Seriously

Is a GREAT group but very selective. Don't get your hopes up.

By: KD

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