
frat rankings with reasons


1. AGR- Smokey
2. KA- They had a slide at their darty
3. BYX- every girl's dream man
4. Pike- Tailgates are litty
5. SNU- pretty boys
6. Kappa Sig- they do be vibin tho
7. Sigma Chi- nice pretty boys, can't wait for them to come back
8. SAE- like sigma chi but not as great
9. DTD- litty tailgates, but also kinda scary
10. Sig Ep- used to be fun, RIP
11. ATO- guys are cute but scary, everything always smells like cigs
12. Beta- the best parties, boys are not great
13. Fiji- like beta but worse
14. Phi Delt- Irrelevant but not as irrelevant as the rest- guys are fun
15. Pong- irrelevant, but the pink drink slaps
16. AEPi- yeah
17. Theta Chi- creepy guys, good playlists at parties, but they don't actually exist
18. Phi Tau- who
19. Phi Psi- who
20. Chi Phi- for the love of God someone get them off row
21. FarmHouse- FarmHouse
22. DKE- who

Posted By: girls
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Damn you put FarmHouse over DKE.....that's cold

By: FH

Sorry Phi Delt? The same guys that’ve have been stuck in bottom tier for years. Knock them down a couple where they belong

By: Dylan
by: lmao   

Awww poor Beta has their panties in a wad. Stop acting like yall are moving anywhere in the world. Both you and phi delt have been bottom for ages and it's gonna stay that way. Have fun losing your house next spring btw that'll help you grow a lot.

By: lmao

Imagine this being real

By: Lol
by: Yeah   

Most random ranking ever

By: Yeah

Lowkey, i can get behind this

By: Hm

you're gonna put beta over Fiji......? wack.

By: S

damn I don't go here but is pi kapp that irrelevant that they can't even make the list

By: Bama

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you really are right about byx tho... girls eat them up (source: me)

By: gbo

How are Delt and ATO 'scary'?

By: Curious

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