
bid day rank truth


Top: DDD, ADPI, DZ, PhiMu
Lower Top: ZTA, CHIO, KD
Middle: AOPI, DG
Lower Middle: AXO, SK, Piphi, KKG
Bottom: There are no bottom houses at UT

Posted By: govols99
Page 1 of 2

You need to take another look at what you consider the “lower ranked groups”. Some really upped their game; check out all the pictures on Instagram.
You’re repeating rankings that are YEARS old—groups shift—so adjust your “rankings” honestly.

by: Honestly   

This is accurate.

By: Honestly

Fact 1 - most of your “top” ranks had to give COBs this year
Fact 2- at least 1 of your “lower middle” was over campus total and had one of the best rushes and PCs on campus.
Y’all need to get over all the house bashing and old school rankings. You’re looking a little bitter. Self ranking is obvious and stale.

By: NiceTry
by: Fact   

None of those houses in the lower middle had one of the best pledge classes on campus. Some houses don't make quota because they are more selective. The top houses split the "it" girls, and everyone knows it. It's quality, not quantity. Nobody is self ranking. You sound like you are the bitter one because it's obvious you are in one of the lower houses. As long as you are happy, who cares? It doesn't change the fact that some houses are known to be more popular than others. That doesn't mean they are better, just more sought after for whatever reason.

By: Fact
by: Hmmmmm to Nice Try   

You are obviously a SK, and no, you were far from getting the best pledge class.

By: Hmmmmm to Nice Try
by: Honest    

Yes SK isn’t on top top but they definitely have improved and seemed to get a really good pledge class

By: Honest
by: To Honest   

SK is average at best. Near the bottom tier wise.

By: To Honest
by: To Honest   

SK is average at best. Near the bottom tier wise.

By: To Honest
by: Truth   

SK lives on here thumbs upping, lol.

By: Truth

Best one I’ve seen

By: truest

ADpi isn’t good anymore they need to be lower

By: Utk

This is spot on.

By: Yep

This is the real truth.

By: Honestly

Not much changed this year. The top houses split the top girls, causing some not to make quota. Needless to say, the most sought out girls went to the houses in the top and lower top on the OP's list. Truthfully, so many girls went through this year, so everyone came out a winner. "Top" is really based on looks and who a handful of frats view as the prettiest girls.

By: Yep

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This is the true ranking.

By: Honestly

Move ZTA to middle, and this is 100% accurate.

By: Truth

This is the truth. CHIO could possibly move down to middle, but the rest is accurate.

By: Yep

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