
fall rush


I'm going through recruitment this fall and I want to know what you guys think the rankings right now. I've heard a lot of things have changed the past two years so I don't want to only look at the chapters im a legacy for. On another note, does ranking really matter at UT like other schools?

Posted By: utgirl
Page 4 of 4

Sweetheart, you're at UT. None of this matters.

By: Guest

What grade are we all in? We couldn't possibly be college students, because if we were, NONE of this would be worth anyone's time. We're all Greek together, and if you think that because you're in XYZ you're better than ABC, you're wrong. I don't know about you all, but when I graduated high school, I left the drama that came with it behind.

By: Hi

I totally agree!!! If you are happy with your house, it's #1 in your heart. What else matters?!?!?! All the sororities at UT have outstanding women in them. PNMs....find a home where you are comfortable. Don't put any stock into this site.

By: ^^^

The top competitive houses would be: (in no order)

Those are the girls that are most popular I would say. These houses have great girls! A lot has changed in the past few years, but this is up to date as of now. but honestly go in with an open mind and find out where you are most comfortable. (and don't believe everything you hear on these ratings either. girls are always trying to make their own houses look better and others look worse!


By: honest
by: if..   

youre rankings are based on popularity Tri Delt and AOPI wouldn't be up there loll. just saying

By: if..

This is probably pretty accurate for last year but thinking you can judge how all those chapters (excluding AXO, KD, DZ) are going to do recruiting out of a house when they've only ever recruited in suites is ridiculous. The tier system will be totally different by the time recruitment is over.
Also, you're asking a bunch of people you don't know to tell you who/what to like before you even get to UT? Do yourself a favor and be an independent thinker.

By: Seriously

Phi Mu
Chi O

AOPi and DDD seem to be the two top chapters, but like every chapter, it just depends on you personality. DDD girls are typically rich and pretty, AOPi girls and cool and fun, Phi Mu and the beauty queen pageant type, and so on. HOWEVER, all 13 chapters at UT have something amazing to offer and all PNMs need to find their best fit and not try to be something they're not. You will be happy wherever you end up as long as you stay true to yourself! Don't try to get into a chapter just because you like how high it has been ranked by other people.

By: top 6

Phi Mu

PhiMu and AOPI seem to be the top two chapters to many. DDD are the rich girls. KD are the fun party girls, and DZ has a lot of diversity. ADPI and CHIO are not in the top any more but still good houses. ALL the houses have awesome girls in them.

By: ^^^^

That's pretty accurate. But with that being said, just because they were the most popular last year, doesn't mean they will be this year.

By: ^^^

Honestly, I'm in one of the sororities that's usually considered bottom tier, but I absolutely love it. My sorority has an awesome sisterhood, and I know that I can count on the other girls for anything. Rankings really shouldn't matter, and if they do, maybe you aren't rushing for the right reasons. I rushed to find some amazing new friends, and get involved on and off campus, and that's exactly what I found in my sorority. If I had to go back through recruitment again, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

When you go through recruitment, just keep an open mind, and try to find the group of girls that you really feel like you click with. Try not to pay attention to the gossip and chatter in the Gamma Chi groups. And even if you don't get the one you're hoping for on Bid Day, give it a shot. You never know - some of your future best friends could be in that sorority.

By: :)

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