
fall rush


I'm going through recruitment this fall and I want to know what you guys think the rankings right now. I've heard a lot of things have changed the past two years so I don't want to only look at the chapters im a legacy for. On another note, does ranking really matter at UT like other schools?

Posted By: utgirl
Page 2 of 4

^^^ CHIO isn't three and ADPI isn't 2...maybe 5 years ago LOL!


There's your top five!\n\n\n\n\n

By: Uh NO

^^^ right!

By: That's about

You should just go through recruitment with an open mind instead of worrying about the opinions of people on a website. Get a rec for all of the chapters because you never know which one you're going to fall in love with (regardless of "rank") You wouldn't want to be dropped for something silly like having no rec. Don't take this website into consideration during your recruitment process.

By: ok

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^^Respect for this post! EXTREMELY true!

By: Respect

be opened-minded, form your own opinions, get recommendation letters for each sorority, ignore website rankings.

By: Vols

Why does it matter about the rankings? You should have an open mind about each sorority. The 'top' may cut you the first night. That is being snobby.

By: Pat

agree ^^...The "considered" top five are probably:

With that being said, I am not in any of those chapters and I LOVE my sisters. Don't get me wrong, they are all great, I just found my home somewhere else. Go where you're comfortable. Don't gravitate towards a house based on popularity...go where you fell at home. UTK sororities all have amazing women in them :)!

By: I

DZ is not top 5. I don't know why people think that. It's a tie between ADPi and Chi O..

by: I   

think DZ is probably top 5...ADPI and CHIO have not recruited as well the last couple of years. Why does it matter? My house is considered "middle" tier, and I could care less what houses are considered better than mine. In my eyes my house is #1.

By: I

^^ disagree...true three years ago maybe, but not now. Who cares any way? My house isn't a top five house, and my sisters are great :)! ADPI and CHIO just need to get over the fact they're not top five any more. Seriously, it DOES NOT matter!!!

By: Totally
by: anotherfact   

while i do agree with "facts" about DZ, i just wanted to point out that KD does not require a rec letter. It's stated under sorority chapter information on the pan website

By: anotherfact

It is very obvious which chapters are on here the most, just look at the percentages on the main page. That is an excellent example of how to tell which chapters spend the most time on this website. Do you really think Pi Phi has a higher % than over half of these UT chapters? That is just out right laughable. DZ, Pi Phi, etc. watch this sight like hawks. It's embarrassing, just stop already. None of the good chapters give two cents about this site, it is pointless. Posting all over a sight that you are better, doesn't make you better, it just means you are petty and do not have anything else to do with your time.

By: over it
by: ^^^^   

i love you

By: ^^^^
by: Really   

I am planning on going through recruitment, but I have decided not to pay attention to this site. Seems like a lot of backstabbing to me :( and erroneous information. DZ's site says a rec letter is required.

By: Really
by: To Really   

you're better off ignoring this site. It may seem catty, but keep in mind that the chapters aren't like this at all. We all love our sisters and have friends all over campus. The people who constantly use this as a place to tear down others are just extremely insecure. Every sorority at UT has something to offer and you will find your home away from home. I wish you the best of luck and a great recruitment experience! Go where YOU want to go, not where you think you should according to these ladies - because at the end of the day, you need to love your sisters, philanthropy, and chapter's values. That's why you wanted to go Greek in the first place, right? If not, you should really think about it before you spend copious amounts of money just to be considered "top tier."

And I'm not saying that those chapters don't have a good sisterhood. I'm suggesting that PNM's should choose to go there because that's where they feel most comfortable.

By: To Really

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