
what are the real sorority rankings here?


What are the real sorority rankings here? Top tier? Mid Tier? Bottom Tier?

Posted By: Haylie
Page 6 of 19

are, undoubtedly, although some would like to disagree. There is NO DOUBT these houses had the best recruitment two years in a row...random order


By: The top 5

DZ has never been even close to being considered top tier. Even with the addition of the new house. One second in rush and listening to everyone around you chat-it will be obvious this sorority has been self ranking on here. Generally, the top sororities have always been the core 4 interchangeably (ChiO, Tri Delt, Aopi, Adpi) plus sometimes Kd and Phi Mu are added..but never..ever...dz.

By: delta zeta self rank
by: in   

completely agree with this ^^

By: in
by: Sorry   

I will disagree with you. I am in a top house...one that has always been considered so, as my sister was in it too. There is NO way after going through rush that I would put ChiO or ADPI in the top tier over KD or DZ...and be real PhiMu is probably #1 on campus. It is RIDICULOUS. CHIO and ADPI may have top tier a two years ago but not now. I would even put DG above either one of them. I went through rush and I never heard anyone in my group saying they were dying to pledge either of those houses. I'm telling you...say what you want...the top houses consistently picked were PhiMu,KD,DZ, DDD, and AOPI. All I can say is that a CHIO or ADPI must have written that comment. PhiMu is and always has been a top house and DZ is probably lower top tier.

By: Sorry
by: UH   

Chio and ADPI are NOT core four. Top four are PHIMU, DDD, AOPI, and probably KD....DZ would be next. I agree DZ may never been considered top tier but with CHIO and ADPI slipping they have easily moved into the top five. And I went through rush and I didn't here anything bad about any of the houses I mentioned, but I heard plenty of negatives about CHIO and ADPI. I personally liked them both, but they weren't in my top five.

By: UH
by: UT   

100% correct

By: UT
by: confused   

This is exactly what I was thinking while reading. I am really confused about what world most people on here must be living in, because it's not earth. DZ is nowhere near top tier.... like where did this randomly come from? They haven't even been traditionally considered one of the houses that were always right on the tails of the top tiers like phi mu and kd. Part of the DZ recruitment pr plan this year must be creating an online image that they are better than they actually are. I'm still confused.

By: confused
by: I   

am very confused why ADPI and CHIO still think they're top tier. Their last two pledge classes have not been stellar. Do they keep posting they're top tier to try to make it true???

By: I
by: True dat   

I agree with core four. Always has been AOPi, ADPi, Chi O, and Tri Delt. My sister was there 7 years ago and agreed and wasn’t in the same sorority as me even. Not changing but these girls in KD and Phi Mu REALLY want you to think they’re top tier hahahaha

By: True dat






This is based off of who got most of the top girls going through rush this year (looking at everyone's bid day banner) as well as my experience going through and what the girls around me were consistently saying were best...

By: true ratings

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by: Oh   

my gosh CHIO...this ranking makes you look incredibly STUPID...after all you wrote it. EVERYBODY knows you got a not so good pledge class (for 2 years in a row)! If anything, put yourself in your lower tier. And by the way putting eight houses as lower tier makes you look worse than you already are. The TOP pledge classes clearly were PHIMU, DDD, KD, AOPI and DZ. HANDS DOWN! Sorry!

By: Oh
by: Dear   

CHIO...you have and NEVER will be the top sorority...that is laughable. The only one you have right in your little list is DDD as top...put yourself in your "lower" tier. OMG...you look ridiculous...everyone know that PHIMU, DDD,and AOPI are the top three.

By: Dear
by: You must have    

read the bid banner incorrectly...ChiO got a lot of leftovers from the other houses. In fact, they have gotten poor pledge classes the past two years. Be real and stop your self ranking.

By: You must have

this website is just to rank sororities. i think people get really annoyed about it but that's literally the point.
top tier:
phi mu
tri delt

maybe top tier/lower top tier:
chi o


lower middle:

pi phi

i think we can all agree that people are saying that chi o has moved down from top tier in the past couple years. most people would probably tell you that pi phi is lower tier at ut or that phi mu is top tier but that doesn't affect the sisterhood in those sororities. it seriously doesn't matter what tier something is unless you really care about that. this is just a website to tell you. all sororities at ut have wonderful girls in them and wherever you fit in is the right place for you.

By: tiers

with the above with a few minor changes


Lower top tier:

Upper Middle:


Lower Middle:


I think we can agree that CHIO and ADPI have moved down from the top tier if you want to be honest. That doesn't mean that they or any houses aren't a great house to be in. ALL the houses have awesome girls in them!

By: I pretty agree with

Really? Alcohol enemas? Wow!

By: Guest
by: What   

does the comment above have to do with any sorority house? NOTHING!

By: What

AOPI, ADPI, CHI O, DDD, KD, and Phi Mu are the 6 best sororities here. all of these sororities compete with each other during rush and all get top PNM's. argue all you want about the order of these 6 sororities, but DZ is NOT top tier......

By: really
by: Listen   

I am probably in the top house at UT, not bragging, just saying...CHIO and ADPI DID NOT get the best pledge classes this year or last for that matter...sorry, girls, but I would HAVE to day DZ has definitely surpassed CHIO and probably ADPI..Your statement was true two years ago, but not now. Be honest, now.

CHIO...I might even put DG ahead of them.

By: Listen
by: Guest   

Top Tier at UT=Bottom Tier at any other school Just remember that.

By: Guest

I went through rush, and not ONE girl in my group put CHIO at the top of their list, not one. DG was definitely more popular than them for sure. The top choices were consistently AOPI, PHIMU, and DDD, followed by DZ/KD (these were about equal) and ADPI/DG (these were about equal as well), THEN CHIO. The pledge classes definitely reflected that. Nobody's "arguing" as you so stated above....but BE REAL...CHIO is NOT a top six house and ADPI might be sixth.

By: Are You Kidding Me?
by: ^^^   

TOTALLY disagree with you. going through rush, chi o was a top 3 favorite by many girls. then they cut a ton of girls right before pref because they are highly selective. quit hating on them. they are a great group of girls that actually have a fantastic pledge class this year.

By: ^^^
by: Is that a joke   

I can honestly say I don’t know what world you live in. I went through last year and all my group put aopi or adpi (if they didn’t already get cut bc wtf), tri delt and then chi o. KD and Phi Mu were put by the girls cut by the top 4 and then DZ. Your group must have been cut by the good ones early on. That does affect things youuu know.

By: Is that a joke

Listen...CHIO...so what you're not a top house any more...fact is you're not...get over it. You like your house, right? So, who cares that you aren't in the top five...seriously, I just went through rush too. Honestly, it's true, the majority of my group all wanted PhiMu, DDD, AOPI, KD, and DZ...sorry if that offends you, but that is the truth. I am in what many consider a "lower middle house," and guess what? I LOVE my sisters and couldn't be happier!!!!! Embrace the fact that you're in a house that makes YOU happy! I don't care that my house isn't a "top five" house, and I refuse to cut them down because they are all awesome as well.

By: Seriously

to the comment above. I am in a middle house as well and it is the PERFECT fit for me. I'll admit PhiMu, DDD, ADPI, KD, and DZ are all amazing...they put on a great rush and I applaud them, but I LOVE my house as well. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else :)!

By: Bravo

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