
what's so special about adpi?


i'm rushing in the fall and i noticed that compared to every other sorority they have a ton of reviews and literally 800 people voted on one of the comments.... i don't get it why is everyone so obsessed with them lol

Posted By: huh
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Like, try harder adpoo lol

By: <3
by: ^^^   

this is what i mean why does everyone hate them lol

By: ^^^

because every sorority wants to be them. They're hot & win everything. All my brothers have been trying to get closer to them and as hard as it is to believe they're pretty cool girls

by: Tala   

You know what's worse than an ADPi? An ADPi pretending to be a SigEp, as well as an ADPI pretending to be a PNM. We also would have accepted "nothing"

By: Tala

Okay first of all I posted this and I am not in a sorority... I just wanted to figure out WHY everyone bashes them so much. I have no reason to like or dislike them I just wanted to know if people hated them for a legit reason. Honestly you guys are so nasty maybe this isn't for me after all

By: Wow
by: And   

I didn't mean obsessed in a good way obviously anyone who looks at their reviews can see how much people dislike them. Like calm down lol

By: And

Honestly people hate them because they are a strong competitor. Most of the girls are actually nice and people just pre judge them. Yes right now they are the top sorority and people want to be number one. People hide behind their computers because they feel confident. Most people would never say this in front of anyone else. Adpi is a hard sorority to get into and I would go through recruitment with an open mind. Other sororities will bash them because their top competition. I sure hate competing with them! Still there is no point putting others down to build your own sorority up. Actually a lot of sorority members have friends in other sororities it just gets crazy during this time and during philanthropies. It's nice to be top tier but that isn't the only thing a sorority is about.

By: Well

Because they're gorgeous and a lot of them are really smart. I have a friend on adpi and she has so much going for her. It would be easy for me to be jealous and say rude things but I choose #panlove and tell the truth. That's all it really is, jealously. For awhile I wished my bid was from them but I love the sisterhood I'm in so I have nothing ride to say!

By: Pan lover

OP it sounds like aopi would be a better fit for you

By: hahahah

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Let's just say that during recruitment I was asked what both my parents do for a living. In 2 separate questions. So it's not like they said it and then bit their tongue, it's like their questioning was intentional and they had no shame about it. Both my parents are physicians and I don't doubt that it's why they gave me a bid but I'd rather be a GDI than be apart of a "sisterhood" based off of my parents' income.

By: 🍀
by: Think about it   

Logically, a sorority is expensive. No sorority wants a girl who comes in and then drops because of dues or any additional cost. Yes many girls have jobs but still it's hard to pay for school, a sorority, and additional costs. This is not just an Adpi thing so before you judge another sorority think about it logically.

By: Think about it
by: Think again   

There is a big difference asking what your parents do and make 👌

By: Think again
by: Think again   

Also, girls who have to work to support themselves will have a harder time taking positions, or being involved in general. It's not about being "snobby". It's about finding out how much you can offer a sorority with your time. No one wants girls who drop it just looks bad in general. Stop being so one track minded. Recruitment is about finding girls who will benefit your sorority; it's not just a club where anyone can join. You also have only 4 years or less why give a bid to someone who can barely come to any events, compete in anything, or can't benefit with commiment? It's a time and a financial commitment. Some people can do it but most end up dropping because of the multiple commitments. Plus in a sorority like adpi or tridelt you can be picky and selective with members. I understand where you are coming from but you have to see it as a recruiter not a pnm.

By: Think again
by: Holy crap   

My first cut was SEVERE after Spirit day and I was so sad. Literally me being so excited about my new full time job put off so many sororities. I barely got cut after that though. Wow. Whoever you are, thank you for the closure...

By: Holy crap

Okay, I work to support myself but hold a position in my chapter and in other organizations as well keep a pretty strong GPA. My parents clean for a living but I have a lot to offer and my chapter had a lot to offer me as well. I don't think you'd be able to judge how commited I would be or how likely I would be to drop by asking what my parents do or if I work...Someone's work ethic or passion for their chapter is definitely not based on what their parents do. Glad my chapter doesn't look at PNM's in that light

By: lol what?

80% of student who have to support themselves through college and join a sorority either fail out or drop. Congrats on making it through but the odds were not in your favor.

By: Um accurate
by: Okay    

I am an ADPi, and I also work to support myself and pay my dues. Honestly I think the whole "they asked what my parents do" thing is BS because I heard the same rumor as a pnm two years ago, and not only did no ADPi ever say anything like that to me in recruitment, I have not one single time felt like I was in the minority of this chapter because of my financial situation. Most of my sisters support themselves at least somewhat; many pay for everything like me and have a position and a good GPA, because that definitely is attainable if you work hard. What you need to keep in mind is that you will find girls from well off families in every sorority, but also remember that in general (not always) students at USF tend to come from more humble backgrounds, so that's mostly what is found in sororities, even in ADPi.

By: Okay

Coming from someone who went through rush last year and ended up dropping for personal reasons, I can tell you right now that adpi is probably the best sorority on campus which is why they get hated on. I loved them during recruitment besides maybe a few girls who weren't as bubbly as the rest but for the most part these girls are top for a reason. Majority of them are flawless, they got the highest gpa, and they win most of the competitions they participate in. All of these rude and cruel rumors or comments being made about them are other sorority members or maybe even geeds who find adpi intimidating. I would honestly if I were in a different sorority. But the thing is, you will go into rush and decide for yourself if you like them or not. Don't ask Greek rank because right now especially, there's a lot of members who are trying to ruin the reps of other organizations. Keep an open mind and you'll be fine.

By: Ok

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