

by: rt

Someone on here really wants to bring down tri delt

Their pledge class was okay, some cute and some not cute, but kd, adpi, and dg didn't get all cute girls either. Kd's PC might be slightly better than tridelt but only slightly. I'll break it down

ADPi, DG-about what you'd expect. Most of best looking girls went to one of these

Kd, tridelt- tridelt went down a little KD went up a little, although I thought KDs PC last year was great too I still would put them on about same level

ZTA-they did great, better than I expected, quite a few attractive girls mixed in

Gamma phi - way better than expected imo

Sdt did a bit worse than I would've thought

SK about what you'd expect. This house never has any knockouts but they have some okay girls. Their pc this year was a little better because last year was way rough.

AOII about the same, nothing of note

Chi O-I think they did better than I thought they would.

Overall tiers didn't change reallly

Posted By: rt
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#1  by: Me   

Agreed, but KD is better than TriDelt in my opinion, not only this year's Pc but last year too. I also would agree that ZTA did great and gamma phi did well for a LT.

Bottom line is nothing was that different than expected. Tiers just don't change that much due to fact that PNMs can easily tell top tiers when they see the girls and like it or not that's how they keep attracting quality girls (not only looks but some unexplainable qualities/charisma)

By: Me
by: YeaSep 10, 2017 12:03:55 PM

Top houses are Adpi, DG, and KD. There should be no argument after that. Please drop out of Greek if you don't accept that. No one cares what you think. Just get out.

By: Yea

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