
sigma chi


How did Sigma Chi get good again this year? At the start of last fall they had like 20 brothers, now they are #1 in greek according to the posts here

I've been in greek for a while and i thought after their membership review they'd be like sigep right now. What happened??

Posted By: Sigma Chi
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All due to ADPi.

By: Truth
by: Yes   

Yes adpi made them and now they ignore us and make some hoe their sweetheart. lol goodbye sigma BYE.

By: Yes

Lol alot of adpis stopped hanging out with Sigma Chi when they were in trouble, only a few were loyal like their old sweethearts

By: Lol

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by: ^^^   

Biggest joke I have ever heard. I was never their sweetheart bc I never ran... I hung out with them every time. I don't think there was a day when I didn't hang out w a sigma chi or there was a weekend when I didn't go somewhere w them. You must not be in sigma chi or Adpi

By: ^^^

They aren't good. They have no house, a clueless exec board, and lost half their face guys. Dchi is better in every way!

By: Nah
by: Top tier girls    

Really? They still have Jason, Landon, Dalton, Justin, Zach, and more hot guys

By: Top tier girls

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