University of South Florida Tampa - USF Discussion

Page 339 of 491
poll icon imagepoll: which is the better "frat " ? By: Juju   Last Post:

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By: Juju   Last Post:

Started: Aug 30, 2017 11:21:26 PM
ok By: OK   Last Post:

OK can someone please tell me why multiple KD's follow...Read More

By: OK   Last Post:

Started: Sep 2, 2017 8:37:32 AM
pike's new rush video? By: Top tier lady   Last Post:

Tbh I think it's cute lol. Especially Z. D looks...Read More

By: Top tier lady   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 3:18:27 PM
pike is funny By: Top house officer   Last Post:

Funny how PIKE president calls a top tier woman "creep"?...Read More

By: Top house officer   Last Post:

Started: Sep 2, 2017 11:17:39 AM
kd stop talking By: Top house   Last Post:

At least during recruitment you don't have to talk bad...Read More

By: Top house   Last Post:

Started: Sep 2, 2017 9:32:08 AM
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adpi loves you, ifc ❤️ By: Panhellenic   Last Post:

Adpi wishes every fraternity in IFC good luck for upcoming...Read More

By: Panhellenic   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 4:48:02 PM
bid day amusement By: @DDD   Last Post:

It'll be very amusing to see some rejects next week...Read More

By: @DDD   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 10:21:20 AM
yall are stupid. gdi's making 1/2 posts here By: Lol   Last Post:

Yall really believe that other sororities are impersonating each...Read More

By: Lol   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 12:23:52 AM
poll icon imagepoll: who has the highest number of adpi rejects? By: IFC   Last Post:

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By: IFC   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 9:57:38 AM
verdandi rush class By: Gru   Last Post:

Word is about 80 kids came out to rush them...Read More

By: Gru   Last Post:

Started: Aug 29, 2017 3:01:09 PM
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