University of South Florida Tampa - USF Discussion

Page 338 of 491
poll icon imagepoll: which of the two is the better sorority ? By: Yum   Last Post:

...View Poll

By: Yum   Last Post:

Started: Sep 4, 2017 6:05:30 PM
what are the usual greek pairings ? By: Oh   Last Post:

Adpi- Sig Chi Adpi- Dchi (sorta) DG- Verdandi Tri delt- Phi Delt KD- kap...Read More

By: Oh   Last Post:

Started: Sep 1, 2017 4:34:37 PM
new rankings By: Usf Greek life   Last Post:

Dg adpi Kd Ddd Zta Sig delt Gamma phi Chi Sig kap Aoii...Read More

By: Usf Greek life   Last Post:

Started: Sep 4, 2017 7:03:04 PM
sororities that haze - By: Awww   Last Post:

Tri delta, KD, and ZTA....Read More

By: Awww   Last Post:

Started: Aug 31, 2017 11:43:09 PM
now that sorority recruitment is over By: Enough   Last Post:

Can you all politely STFU? ...Read More

By: Enough   Last Post:

Started: Sep 3, 2017 10:39:46 PM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
stop making pathetic polls By: Real adpi   Last Post:

Stop making polls about Adpi and asking who will sleep...Read More

By: Real adpi   Last Post:

Started: Sep 3, 2017 7:24:22 PM
panhellenic wtf??? By: PNM   Last Post:

Anyone else pissed off at panhellenic, they are dropping so...Read More

By: PNM   Last Post:

Started: Sep 3, 2017 3:04:07 PM
why did pike get kicked out of monticello? By: Question   Last Post:

Did anyone else hear why?...Read More

By: Question   Last Post:

Started: Sep 3, 2017 2:41:33 PM
everyone needs to read this. By: Top house girl   Last Post:

KD, please do Panhellenic a favor and STOP DIRTY RUSHING....Read More

By: Top house girl   Last Post:

Started: Sep 2, 2017 10:18:24 PM
sigma nu By: Top house woman   Last Post:

T. Howell from sigma nu is so hot, omg. I...Read More

By: Top house woman   Last Post:

Started: Sep 2, 2017 7:44:13 PM
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