
Fall Semester Frat Rankings 2024


Top: DKE, Hall, Zete, Elmo
Upper: SAE, Phi Psi
Upper Mid: Snu, Beta
Mid: DU, SERP, Dsig, Phi Society, PiKapp
Lower Mid: AEPi, Chi Psi, Pi Lam
Low: Asig, Phi Delt, TDX, TKE, Sig Pi
Bottom: ATO, ZBT

Posted By: Rush
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Beta and snu continuing to leave off chi phi and sig chi to make themselves look higher than they actually are 💀

By: Chi guys
by: Warriors   

Beta snu pika and 128 have historically been the greeklife warriors

By: Warriors
by: Hmm   

Sig chi is the only one on this app now

By: Hmm
by: I LOVE BETA <3   

About Beta Theta Pi & the Omicron Chapter at The University of Virginia
The Greek Movement
As liberal arts students at the College of William and Mary in 1776, the founders of Phi Beta Kappa — the first Greek letter society — were required to be well versed in Greek language, culture and history. Consequently, they were aware of the central importance in Greek cultural history of an institution known as the Mysteries.

At nine o’clock on the evening of the eighth day of the eighth month of the year 1839, eight earnest young men, all students at Miami University, held the first meeting of Beta Theta Pi in the Hall of the Union Literary Society, an upper room in the old college building (known as “Old Main”).

Hanover College is a modest private school near Madison, Ind. From a quiet promentory the campus overlooks the Ohio River and beyond to Kentucky. Founded in 1853, Iota chapter existed sub rosa, like most fraternities at the time. Membership in Beta Theta Pi was cause for expulsion from college.

By the turn of the century, two important features of Beta Theta Pi had become apparent. The first — Beta character — had already manifested itself in stories such as that of John Holt Duncan and the men of the Michigan chapter who refused to forsake their membership and their badge.

With the establishment of the Administrative Office and appointment of an administrative secretary in 1949, the stage was set for spectacular growth and a solid future for Beta Theta Pi and its fraternal colleagues in the years ahead.

Men of Principle
The year was 1998, and Beta Theta Pi was about to embark upon what would become arguably one of the most pivotal moments and periods in the Fraternity’s history. The founding in 1839, the acclaimed Beta Firsts of the 1870s and 1880s, the establishment of the first administrative secretary and Administrative Office in 1949, and the long-awaited new Foundation and Administrative Office of 1994 were significant, grand achievements. They were major culture-shaping influences of Beta Theta Pi, for sure.

Beta Greats
William Raimond Baird, Stevens 1878 — All-time leading expert on college fraternities; creator of Baird’s Manual of College Fraternities which is still in publication more than 80 years after his death; editor of The Beta Theta Pi for a quarter century; moving force behind the Alpha Sigma Chi alliance; most prolific of all Beta writers; responsible for collecting most of the information now available about Beta’s early history; inspiration for Founders Fund in 1919 when the bulk of the estate of him and his wife was left to Beta Theta Pi.

Seth R. Brooks, St. Lawrence ’22 — Leading inspirational force in the Fraternity from the time he became General Secretary in 1950 until his death in 1987; General Secretary for 10 years; President for six years; delivered the principal inspirational (keynote) address at most conventions 1955-95; author of the popular Inter Fratres articles

by: Huh   

Huh who’s dropping this lore

By: Huh


By: Truth
by: @truth   

where’s sig chi & chi phi?

By: @truth
by: question    

If I want to join Serp, am i supposed to assault a woman before or after pledging? Thanks.

By: question

Traditional ranking are toxic. SigEp tends to attract the kind of guy who wants more than a drinking club out of his fraternity. Students go to college to develop personally and professionally. Some other fraternities have facilities that house brothers in environments that harm rather than help those goals by forcing brothers to go elsewhere to study during parties. But SigEp's substance-free facility provides a very conducive environment for doing what students go to college to do.

by: Truth   

STFU Goober. Squids who don't have pledging should not be called a fraternity. Also, good luck getting the same amount of pledges than SigPi this year lmao

By: Truth
by: Nah   

I’ve met some sig ep kids they are dope

By: Nah

Move DU to upper and Aepi to mid

By: Changes
by: Aepi   

No way jose

By: Aepi
by: Nah   

Definetly no way jose

By: Nah

ZBT is going to tear down that cheap motel and build a big brick house. Going to be a couple year though

By: Mudder
by: Bruh   

No point in rushing a house for a project that won’t even be finished while we’re here

By: Bruh

Wtf phi delt up hella they have good sorority relations

By: Phi
by: Lol   

Phi delt loooooves to mix with phi delt

By: Lol
by: Phi delt   


By: Phi delt

serp down. du down. phi Delt up.

By: Fact
by: Dry Delt   

Does phi delt even have a house have never met anyone in that frat

By: Dry Delt

Another rank with no chi phi or sig chi?

By: Nah
by: Snu   

Typical snu rank

By: Snu

Snu will never be upper mid as long as I’m alive

By: Upper turd

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by: ong   

fr theyre corny asf

By: ong

Stop leaving out chi phi and sig chi and fiji

By: Bruh

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