
2024 Frat End of Year Rankings

by: Him Jim

1) Elmo - Some nice, some douches. Great rush and nice house. Overall have the best parties. Very popular. Have lot of North-eastern kids but also some foreign.
2.) Dke - lot of douches but know how to have fun. Very NY and NE heavy. Very popular. Pretty good rush this year but got killed last year.
3.) Zete - southern as hell. Nice house and good parties. Compete with Hall in rush but beat them every year. Lot of cool guys
4) Hall - barely a top house anymore, could see Phi Psi replacing. Decent rush this year but not previous years and seems like they took anyone they could. Parties aren’t fun unless you’re in the Hall
5) Phi Psi - Great house and location. Got some weird guys but overall lot of good dudes. Very fraternal acting. Usually have a solid rush but lose a few of their guys to the top houses.
6) SAE - Solid rush, great darties. Lot of cool guys here that have fun. Great house and location.
7) Sig Chi - Very good rush. Lot of awesome guys. Their house is really nice, location is just absolutely awful. Fun parties.
8) Chi Phi - Good house and location. Rush was alright. Don’t head that much out of them tbh. Doing okay it seems.
9) 128 - don’t get how people rush a club instead of a frat willingly but they pull it off so cheers to them. Did good in rush, have like one or two good parties a semester but they look really cool with the setups. Good location.
10) SNU - Pretty much where they were last semester, good rush and live parties. Solid house
11) Beta - honestly don’t know too much about them but have solid parties and okay rush
12) DU - Under investigation, solid parties and definitely have a good time. Ok rush
13 Pi Kapp - Solid rush, good guys and solid parties. Haven’t heard much else
D Sig
Phi Society
Phi Delt
Chi Psi
Pi Lam
A Sig
Sig Pi
Phi Sig
Sig Ep

Posted By: Him Jim
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#11  by: Jim   

Solid list

By: Jim
#12  by: Hall   

Hall on the down

By: Hall
by: HallJun 15, 2024 5:56:08 PM

Hall on the rise

By: Hall
#13  by: Sig chi   

Sig chi self rank

By: Sig chi
#14  by: AS   

A Sig on the rise

By: AS
by: LolJun 16, 2024 9:42:53 AM


By: Lol
#15  by: real facts   

128 = incels.
facts, don't even deny it.
girls laugh at them, real top tier frat boys know they are bottom feeders.

By: real facts
by: I28Jun 17, 2024 10:36:55 AM

Real stuff home slice

By: I28
#16  by: 128   


By: 128
#17  by: 128 lol   

128 is a joke. They have a pc full of rejects

By: 128 lol
#18  by: Nah   

Elmo are all dbags and people gossip about them allllllll the time

By: Nah
#19  by: Chi   

Chill sig chi

By: Chi
#20  by: Ksig   

We will be back

By: Ksig
by: ujc guyJul 3, 2024 1:26:49 AM

well played

By: ujc guy

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